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Ciel was missing. That much he knew. The young earl had been missing for close to 3 weeks, with not a single trace of where he went. And Sebastian looked everywhere. He left no place un looked. No corner un-turned. At one point he even asked the annoying reaper Grell if he had seen any sign of the earl. Undertaker was not any help either, nor those wretched angles. The demon butler was starting to lose hope in finding his master. At the moment Sebastian was on the telephone, speaking with the Queen. Still no luck though. Not even thy majesty had a clue as to Ciel's whereabouts.

666~~~Sebastian's P.O.V~~~666

I had just finished my phone call with the Queen. "Oi! Sebastian! How did it go?!" Mey-Rin asked me eagerly. I just sighed and shook my head 'no.' She sighed in disappointment. I understood how she felt. Except I was more annoyed than disappointed. Ever since the young master had been gone, the servants have been sad and worried. They insisted that they help look for him, but I reassured them that I could do it. And after a lot of convincing, they understood that the best thing would be for me to go out and look for him while they watched over the Phantomhive Manor.

Currently I was searching through Ceil's room, once again looking for any possible clues I may have missed previously. Still nothing. As I stood up and started making my way towards the door, a dark mist appeared, making me confused. Suddenly, a strange man appeared out of the mist. He seemed to smirk at me before speaking. "Hello, I am Checkerface. And I have a proposition for you. I know that you are looking for your master, Ciel Phantomhive. I know how you can find him. But before I tell you any of that, you will have to do something for me. You see, for many years I have been finding powerful people to help hold the balance of space and time. There are three groups of seven. First the Vongola, A.K.A the Clam, who pass their rings down from generation to generation. Then the Mare rings, the sea, which knows no bounds, then the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. The Rainbow, that appears from time to time, before fading away. I am tasked with finding the seven holders for the Arcobaleno Pacifiers. And I want you to be one of them. More specifically the cloud. I know that this is most likely confusing, but everything you need to know is in this letter." He holds up said letter. "But, you can not go as yourself. I have created a fake alias and background for you. I suggest you stick to it. If not, then you may never find your precious Eral." I could tell he was threatening me. I glare at him. How dare he. But this is the only option. I will have to take it. And then, I will have Ciel's soul.

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