Chapter One-First Meetings

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Skull/Sebastian's P.O.V

It was time that I attended this meeting of the worlds so called 'strongest seven.' It honestly was annoying. I could not believe that I got dragged into this. And all because the young master went missing. *sigh* Well. Let's get this over with... As instructed, I arrived late. 30 minutes to be exact. The mansion it was held at was quite beautiful. But still nothing compared to the Phantomhive Manor. Taking a deep breath, I loudly pushed open the doors exclaiming 'The great Skull-Sama has arrived!' I forced out a laugh just as loud and walk further in.

Thanks to the fact that I was wearing a motorcycle helmet, I was easily able to look over and asses everyone here. First there was the women holding the meeting. She seems to have this warm aura around her. I could also see that she held deep secrets and that I would need to keep and eye on her. My eyes shifter over to the next person, a male. He was clearly giving off a chaotic vibe and I know that he will cause trouble. It seems that he is a hitman of some kind based off of the way he is dressed. I will have to be extra careful around him. But when I am able to drop my act, I will have a lot of fun fighting him. Next to the supposed hitman, was a calm looking Chinese man. He sort of reminded me of Lau. There was a green haired man that looked like a crazy scientist, a mysterious hooded person, and another blue haired women. Except she was giving off 'I won't hesitate to beat you up' vibes. And then of course there was me. The demon in disguise. It sounds like something out of a movie. Eh. "You must be our cloud! Welcome!" She then introduced herself and those around us. "So your name is Skull, right? Would you like a cookie?" She held out a plate that held simple chocolate chip cookies. Well, I'm supposed to act like an absolute dense idiot so... "Haha. The Greta Skull would love a cookie!" I took off the helmet and revealed my reached purple hair and eyes. I grab a cookie and started eating it. The cookie was actually pretty good. Not as good as mine, but definitely better than Bard's. Almost any cooking would be better than his because he always over cooks it with his flamethrower. Quickly shoving the rest of the sweet into my mouth, I once again looked at everyone. "Now that everyone is here, why don't we get to know each other?" The lady with the crazy mushroom hat took charge. Hmm. It seems that she is going to be the 'leader' that tries to keep the idiots in check... I know how that feels... Geez. I will never get a break, will I?

Enough about my suffering, lets actually focus on the story. 

I didn't pay much attention to what the others were saying or talking about. I already figured them out.

Reborn: A stubborn stuck up b!tch that claims to be the worlds #1 Hitman

Fon: Seems calm, but as they say, Its just the calm before the storm. Also great at martial arts

Verde: Scientist(that much was obvious) and the kind of person who only believes in scientific proof

Lal: Also stubborn, but was trained in some sort of military

Viper: Greedy, mysterious, information broker

Luce: Seems nice but is hiding something deep down

And finally, me. Or at least 'Skull': Loud, obnoxious, stuntman, dense or stupid, a 'Lackey and civilian' as Reborn called me.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the meeting was over. There was another one scheduled in a week. And apparently, we are going to be doing missions in the future. I suppose this will be a long and annoying journey.

But I guess that its whatever it takes to find the annoying young master. I just hope those three idiots don't burn the mansion down...

666 words exactly(Including this)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2020 ⏰

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