chapter fifteen

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season one ; episode three { The Forbidden Zone }
chapter fifteen


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BROOKLYN ARRIVED BACK AT THE CHÂTEAU, her brother was walking back into the house after he had a conversation with Kiara. She tried to search around the house for anything that would cover up the marks that stained her face.

"Bee!" She heard her brother yell which made her jump up. "What the hell happened to your face?" He rushed over to her, grabbing a wet paper towel.

"Shit, John B, I'm fine." He fought around with her, trying to hold the towel up to her face but she continued to fight him.

"What happened? Tell me."

She let out a deep sigh. "Topper and Rafe jumped me and Pope."

John B touched the hand marks around her neck. "Brooklyn, what the hell happened?" He asked, lifting her head up to take a closer look.

"Topper tried to choke me." Her breathing was shaky as she pressed a the mark around her neck, a wince leaving her lips. "Before Rafe hit Pope with a golf club, I jumped in and he hit me. I'm okay."

"Shit, Bee. I wish I was there. I would've knocked his fucking teeth out." He pushed the hair away from her face, seeing tears fill her eyes. "Come here."

She stepped forward and buried her head into John B's chest, her arms wrapping around his waist as she let out a few sobs. Her nails dug into the material of his shirt, pulling on the soft material.

"JB, there's something else." She whimpered.


"Last year when I went to a Kook party with Kie, I got really wasted and Topper tried to touch me-." She attempted to stop herself from crying. "Rafe tried to do the same thing a few months ago and I'm-."

"Shush." John B rubbed his sister's head softly, his fingers running through her hair. "I'm gonna get JJ to shoot them, I can tell you that now."

She pulled away, wiping her tears away with the wet towel. "I'm gonna be okay. Please, don't mention it again. I don't want to think about it ever again."

John B nodded, placing a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay, I won't mention it but I will hurt them."

"I love you." She chuckled through her tears.

"I love you too, loser." He ruffled her brown hair, pushing her face away from him. "Come on, we're gonna surf to pass time."

"Okay." She laughed.

"Wipe those tears and get out there."

And she did just that. She wiped her tears, slipped out of her clothes and grabbed her surf board and joined the others outside.

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