Dad! Alastor | New Recruits | x Child! Reader| Fluff

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Before we begin, this is NOT INCEST. A fluff one shot is a one shot where any character shows affection for another it's not always about dating btw.

⚠️ contains a part of the pilot, if you haven't watched the pilot I suggest you do before even reading this book ⚠️

(I do not mean this in a rude way so I'm sorry if you interpreted it that way.)


Alastor's POV:

I decided today that my child and I would go watch the princess of hell LIVE at the 666 new station. Katy KillJoy and Tom Trench were the reporters of this new station. When we got there it seemed like we made it just in time before this princess burst out into song.

I looked over at my child and they looked at me. We both smiled at each other as we watched the princess sing her song.

| Mini Time Skip |

The song finally ended, one thing that I Alastor learned from this, is that we're going to visit this said Hotel run by this princess. I grabbed my child's hand and so our journey began to the "Happy Hotel".

We traveled through the streets of hell, by now this princess will probably be home. Did I forget to mention she attacked Katy? From what I recall she did. I looked down at my child and I gave their hand a tiny squeeze signaling them to look at me. They looked up at me with a smile on their face like I've taught them. "When we get there dear, let me do the talking. Only speak when spoken to, alright love?" I told them.

"Yes father." They said and looked back at where we were going, I turned my head back around and realized we were there. I grabbed my child and placed them on my shoulders. I raised my hand and knocked on the door.

I was greeted with the princesses face again, "Hel-" I started before she shut the door in my face. I waited a second knowing she'd open the door again. When she did I tried to speak again "-lo." I said before she shut the door again. I looked over at my child and they looked back at me. Soon the door opened again, I turned my gaze back to the door. "May I speak now?" I said, surprisingly she didn't shut the door. "You may," She said and I let myself inside.

Your POV:

My dad let himself inside as I sat on top of his shoulders.  I watched with amusement as instantly there was a spear pointed as his throat which quickly shifted to mine in an instant. My dad brought the spear down, and by all means I was somewhat offended. I couldn't say anything because I was told not to.

This was not what I expected, this woman with the white hair accused us of wanting to hurt someone. Of course that wasn't our intention. "My dear if I wanted to hurt anyone here, I would've already done so." I heard my dad say as both of our eyes turned dark and our smiles widened.  Soon going back to normal. "No, we want to help!" My dad said and I nodded.

"Help?" The two girls said in unison. "Help!" My dad said back and then he looked at me. "Did you hear me [Y/N]?" He said and I looked back at him "Why I heard you loud and clear!" I said back. He looked back at them and that one woman pulled the other woman to a different corner. I looked at my dad and he looked at me while we waited.

Eventually this princess lady came back over and started talking my dad about deals and all of a sudden this green light came from my dad but the princess lady said no so the light disappeared.

|mini time skip|

My dad grabbed me and put me down, "This is [Y/N], they are my child but also she will help you around the hotel." I smiled at them and waved at them. They waved back before this giant spider demon picked me up in two of his arms. "Oh my gosh, you're so adorable!" He gushed and held me up. I smiled at him and gave him a hug before I spoke, "I love being held Sir, but right now I have some duties to attend to." He put me down and dusted me off with his gloved hands.

I made cleaning supplies appear and started zipping around the hotel cleaning and dusting things. While my dad made a man who I think was named Husk run the bar of this fine establishment.

After a while of my cleaning my dad was heading outside so I quickly jumped onto his waist and he lifted me and held me in his arms in which I was tired after cleaning so I fell asleep quickly.

But before I fell into slumber I had one last thought.

This will definitely be entertaining.



𝙝𝙖𝙯𝙗𝙞𝙣 𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙚l 𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙨𝙝𝙤𝙩𝙨 OLDWhere stories live. Discover now