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"Apparently, there are four auction houses in Shibuya." Lee stated typing something on Agent 001's lap top while they watched curiously.

Lee turned to meet their curious gazes and sighed. "The one my boss will likely go to is The Main Auction House. That is the place all mafia bosses go to purchase drugs and guns." He continued typing.

"If only Mafia bosses go, why where allowed to go?" Agent 001 asked him. "That's because I used the disguise on many occasions and I am Black Knight's right hand." Lee said.

"When is this auction ?" Agent Cobra asked with a glint of mischief in her eyes. The pair noticed it and wondered why she was so interested in going. "Its in two days time. We can use four hours to reach Shibuya." Agent 001 said.

"What is the valuable thing in the auction?" Agent 001 asked to shift her attention from what was running through her mind.

"Its a nuclear weapon made by the famous Diego himself." Lee exclaimed. Diego was one of the best nuclear weapon maker across the world. He sure knows how to keep his identity hidden from unwanted predators.

"Its about time your uncle explained things to us." Agent 001 rubbed his forehead tiredly. Agent Cobra nodded her head in understanding. She went to her room and brought the device connecting it to the television.

"Hey! How is everything?" Luigi said when his tired face popped on the screen. "Fine." She replied curtly. "We need information of the auction house that sells things from the black market in Shibuya." Agent 001 said behind her.

"Where did you get that information from?" Luigi frowned. "How we got it isn't something you should know. Just give us information about it."Agent Cobra said.

"That is a place that allows Mafia Leaders. Don't tell me you are looking for Black Knight there?" He asked them. They heard him talk to someone in the background.

Agent 001 turned to Agent Cobra. "We have to tell him about Lee." He said and she frowned. She was about to reply when he grabbed the concentrated Lee from his laptop and shoved him in front of Luigi.

"Hey what's that for? At least tell me before shoving me." Lee yelled in annoyance. "Who is this?", Luigi asked him confused. " This is Black Knight's associate we caught." Agent 001 explained.

"Why is he with you?Aren't you supposed to kill him?" Luigi asked in a low tone. They knew that tone very well. The two watched each other. Lee did not understand what was going on. "What is going on?" He asked quietly ."We'll explain it later." Agent 001 said quickly and told Luigi what happened .

"So this was a fake Black Knight you captured and he says his boss will go to The Main Auction House in Shibuya." Luigi confirmed . They nodded their heads.

"Fine, I'll let Ethan send the details to your emails and I'll let Flynn deliver your personal vehicles to your hotel. Don't catch too much attention and don't trust anyone." Luigi said before the screen went black.

"Wow. He says we shouldn't trust anyone." They said together watching Lee. Feeling uncomfortable under their gazes he lifted both hands and yelled. "What?"

"I wonder if he is trustworthy even you." Agent Cobra muttered under her breath. "I heard that." Agent 001 said.

"Once bitten twice shy."She retorted and threw a pillow in Agent 001's face who dodged and kept his mouth shut. " I know I betrayed you once but I promise I will never do it again." He said wrapping his arms around her shoulder.

"Can you hear what you are even saying?" She shrugged his arm off .

"Okay you guys can argue later. That man has sent the details."Lee pulled them part and dragged them to the laptop.

" Well this is unexpected. " Agent 001 said making Agent Cobra hum when their eyes read what was on the screen.


Later in the afternoon, Flynn brought them their personal vehicles as promised. They were given black Benz each with motor cycles.

"This is the latest and advanced model in our Agency. Take care if it." Flynn said before leaving.

"I'll be going for a tour around Shinjuku considering I haven't gone out." Agent Cobra said hoping in the red motor bike. "Take care ." Agent 001 said to her Andy she nodded in assurance before taking off.

She passed malls only stopping by to buy a few things. Then, she went to a park. The park was lively with people. Children screamed their lungs out while parents tried to coerce them with toys. It seemed to agitate them more.

Their screams increased by the second. One family caught her attention. They were a family were with one child.

The child pointed at a toy displayed in a car. The mother gave her a disappointing look. She was a petite woman with brown curly hair. She knelt down and grabbed her daughter's hand.

Her lips moved and the little girl nodded her head slowly. The woman's husband was purchasing popcorn for them and didn't seem to notice the two's conversation.

Imelda moved to that car and was greeted by a young Chinese guy. "Hello mam what can I help you with?" He smiled noticing her odd features .

"I want the biggest teddy bear here." She replied with her thick Russian accent. He nodded and pointed to a white teddy bear holding a red heart with I love written in Chinese.

"You need to shoot these bottles on top without missing to get that one. " He said watching her. "Okay hand me the guns." She held the light gun in her hand and weighed it. The real ones were deadly weapons.

"Please stand back."She turned her head to him before focusing on her target. The young man did what she asked him to in confusion.

She shot them effortlessly with each bottle making a shrill noise when a ball from the gun hit them. He watched her in fascination as she shit them.

" Can u get that teddy bear?"She handed him the guns while he brought it to her. She smiled and grabbed the teddy bear.


She tapped the woman little girl who held her mother's hand. "Hii She greeted. The little girl smiled and greeted. "What's your name sweetie?" She smiled. "My name is Sarah."

"Is that for you?" The girl asked her. Imelda smiled at her and nodded. "Do you want it?"" She asked her. Sarah watched her mother who nodded at her.

"Yes but mommy says she can't get it for me." Sarah poured. "Here have it as a gift from me." She pushed to teddy bear to her.

.Sarah grabbed and happily. "Thank you soo much!" Her mother smiled. Sarah showed her new teddy bear to her father who smiled at her. "Welcome. I have to go to."

She felt a tug on her dress when she turned. "What's your name?" Sarah asked her curiously. "She knelt down and whispered in her ear. " My name is Imelda. Can you remember that?" She stood up.

"Yes!sure see you soon!" Sarah squeaked and ran to her parents with a bounce in her steps.She nodded and moved to her motor bike and rode to their apartment.

****end of chapter

Sorry for the late update. Hope you enjoy and pardon me if there are mistakes.

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The author😘.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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