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I lost track of time wandering around the city alone. It seemed my friends were dropping me like flies, like I was diseased. I had no idea what pissed them off so much. Sure I say words that are truthful and could possibly rip the skin off the bones and muscles of those I spoke to. Drawing too much blood from them. But that's just me. Maybe I had taken it a little too far this time. Defending the likes of vampires. But they did ask for my opinion. I couldn't help how I felt about the situation. They just didn't understand. Didn't understand me. Didn't know that I, myself a vampire. I didn't choose being this way. My life taken from me when I was younger. Something I had to deal with all my life. No one needed to know of it. I didn't want their pity. I shouldn't even protect their kind that took my mother away. So why did I do it? I lifted my head up. Where the hell was I? Nothing around me looked anything familiar.
The street lights twinkled different here. They were like glitter of golds and fuschia hues. Loud voices attacking my eardrums. I looked around. A couple in a dark corner in an argument, destroying the atmosphere. I started to walk away from their racket to something most remarkable. Something pleasing to my ears. An energetic bass drum pumping its way out of the doors of the building next to me. The best 808 sound I had ever heard. No. I lied. The best sound I ever heard was this sultry voice coming in right after the kick. It was like a blue electricity bursting through the open doors, wrapping around my waist and luring me in. My steps not my own. The voice didn't quite match up to the guy on stage. The guy was a bit feminine. His plain blue eyes were outlined in an ebony color. Three moles on his right cheek gathered around the word, Snow, that was tattooed on his face. Making them the center of attention. He stopped singing. He started arguing with the plumpy girl next to him. How he didn't want to do that particular song. It wasn't his favorite. Too much of a love song for him. But she loved it. It deserves a chance. He's glaring down at the girl. His fist tightened. The same blue electricity that pulled me in, was bubbling inside of him. I could smell it. He growled and sent the electricity surging throughout the room. I covered my eyes with my arm. I am flammable. Everyone tells me, but I didn't feel anything. But everything around us was singed. He looked at the girl, who rolled her eyes at him and then around the room. I just stood there. My eyes locked on his every movement. The way his arm lifted up and his fingers slipped through his bronze curls on top his head. He started as he finally noticed me. "What the fuck! Who are you? And how the hell did you get in?" I studied every word as his lips separated then came back together. He turned towards the girl again. "I told you to close the doors." Not letting me answer either question. She said something in return that it was Agatha's job to do it. "Where's Agatha?" He looked directly at me. Was he asking me another question? I looked away. My legs were about to lead me out of the building, when I heard another voice.

Carry Me, Carry OnNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ