Chapter 1

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Y/N sighed as she pulled on her #4 Becky Sauerbruun USWNT jersey. She shouldn't be so anxious and upset as she was. She had great seats to see the USWNT for crying out loud!!

But as an omega that still hadn't found her mate/mates yet she wasn't excited about all of the pheromones, especially since her social anxiety was going to be through the roof with the crowd and seeing some of my heroes and celebrity crushes. She just wishes her Best Friend Jen would have been able to come with me as planned, but she had gotten a call about a family emergency last minute. Jen had given Y/N a pep talk and talked her into going by herself.

Y/N took a deep breath and walked through the stadium, finding her section. She did her best to take deep breaths and try to ignore the overpowering pheromones. Luckily it was a little windy today which helped dispel some of the smells enough not to send her into a panic attack. She walked all the way down and was shocked to see that she was in the first row, right beside Team USAs bench. She looked at the ticket and the row again and again to make sure she wasn't reading the ticket wrong.

"Holy shit how did Jen pull this off?" She mumbled to myself, walking to where my seat was on the way end. Right to the edge of the tunnel that the players would walk out of.

I made sure that I left the seat that Jen was going to sit in between me and the rest of the row, easing my anxiety just a little bit. I pulled out my phone and texted Jen.

Y/N: How the hell did you pull this off? You didn't kill anyone did you?!

Jen: Lol no you dork! My friend's Dad manages the stadium and he knew that you and I are big fans of the USWNT so he offered me these seats.

Y/N: Omg that's amazing! I'm so sorry you can't come. 😭😭 How's everything going? I hope everything is okay.

Jen: Everything is okay right now. My brother was in a car accident. He's in surgery now but he's stable thankfully.

Y/N: Oh no! I'm so sorry! I'm so glad he's okay! Tell everyone I wish my best!

Jen: I will and have fun! Get lots of pics for me and maybe even meet your mate! 😜

Y/N: Oh shush you dumb alpha or I'll get Amy on your ass if you tease me again.

Jen: Oh come on! Don't threaten me with my mate! Anyway I should get going. Have fun and you'll be okay I promise. Call me if you have problems with your anxiety okay?

Y/N: I will.

By the time she looked up from her phone the stadium was starting to fill up. Y/N shuffled feeling her anxiety starting to amp up. She took a few deep breaths and was able to calm down just as the team started to pour out of the tunnel right past her. People pushed heragainst the side of the tunnel to get closer as the goalkeepers passed by and she started to panic slightly. "Hey be careful guys, we don't want anyone crushed." Ashlyn Harris called causing people to calm down a little.

Y/N sighed in relief and smiled gratefully at Ashlyn who just winked at her and waved making me blush slightly. Soon the whole team was out on the field and most of the seats in the stadium were filled.

She looked up as a group of obnoxious men who were of course all alphas. One of them wolf whistled at her with a stupid grin on his face making her roll her eyes.

Before she could worry too much about the dumb alphas causing problems the walkout video started and she cheered with the crowd as the 2 teams walked out. She felt a little weird as the first few USA players passed her, but brushed it off as excitement and anxiety.

The game seemed to fly by, Y/N had been able to push back her anxiety and enjoy the game, cheering on the women she has looked up to forever.

However the alpha male who had wolf whistled her before the game has gotten closer and closer to her as he seemed to drink more and more of the overpriced beer that the stadium was selling.

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