Chapter 2

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Y/N felt like she was frozen as she was carried toward what must be the USWNT locker room by her two favorite players who just happened to be her mates?!

Y/N snapped out of her thoughts when she was gently sat down on the bench. She looked up to see two sets of beautiful eyes on her, filled with adoration.

Becky had gently set her omega down on the bench, Alyssa and herself sitting on either side of their newfound mate.

Alyssa gently ran her hands soothingly on their mate's back, hoping it would help to calm the anxious omega, whose breathing was still a little fast.

"You're safe, we got you." Alyssa said softly. Becky started to purr softly releasing soothing pheromones as she rubbed their omega's back. Ana's breathing finally settled down as she blinked her eyes, suddenly so exhausted that she couldn't keep them open.

"Sleep little one, we'll protect you." Alyssa said scooping the omega into her lap and kissing her forehead.

The pair were startled out of their adoration of their sleeping mate when the door to the locker room opened and loud voices started to pour in. Becky got up and growled, careful not to scare her newfound mate awake as Alyssa glared down their teammates who now looked apologetic.

"Sorry Naeherbruun. We didn't mean to startle anyone" Pinoe Said.

Alyssa rolled her eyes at the incredibly stupid ship name that Pinoe had created.

"It's fine." Becky said.

The team stared at Becky and Alyssa and their sleeping mate. Becky and Alyssa were waiting for the barrage of questions from their crazy friends.

Surprisingly it was Julie who broke the silence. "Is she..." Julie trailed off,not wanting to finish her question if she was wrong. The omega defender knew first hand that through rooming with her at away games that her alpha club teammate and Becky were starting to lose hope that they'd ever find their omega.

"She is our omega mate." Becky confirmed with a smile, slowly slipping out of enraged protective alpha mode as she glanced at her newfound mate who was peacefully cuddling into Alyssa's arms where she'd always be safe.

Ali squealed at the adorable sight, causing Alyssa to look up from her omega to glare at the defender. She gently shushed the omega who started to stir, but Alyssa's purr caused her to settle back to sleep, curling even closer to Alyssa.

"Sorry." Ali said semi-quietly as she launched herself at her fellow defender. "I'm just so excited for you both!" Becky rolled her eyes at her fellow defender but couldn't fight off a smile, hugging her friend back.

The two were often roomed together during national team camps the night before games. (Mates were Always roomed together except for the day before  games because the coaches learned the hard way  that most of the mates players didn't obey their 'no sex before game day' rule if they were roomed together.)

Ali had comforted Becky so many times when the alpha defender could feel hurt or sadness through their mate bond that wasn't from Alyssa. Becky just wanting so badly to find their omega and protect them.

"Thanks Ali. Becky said quietly, Alyssa smiling and nodding.

Abby (Wambach) broke the silence by asking the question the rest of the team was too afraid to ask. "So what exactly happened? All I saw was Broon growling and scaring the shit out of everyone and Ashlyn holding a panicking omega."

Everyone looked to Ashlyn including Alyssa, really wanting to know what happened to cause their omega to panic so much.

"Well I was walking toward that side to sign for some fans. I had seen her before the game and it seemed like she was having major social anxiety so I tried to get people to back off. So after the game I went to go check to make sure that she was okay." Ashlyn paused, rage filling her eyes again as she thought about the terrified look in the omega's face when that sleazy alpha had put his hands on her.

"A sleazy alpha put his hands on her and when she smacked his hands away he slapped her and then put his hands around her neck. I pushed him off of her and took her onto the field while Pinoe, Hope and Tobin held him down while we waited for security to come with police officers. Ali and I tried to calm her the best we can, Broon must have caught a glimpse of her and went all protective alpha on everyone." Ashlyn explained.

Alyssa, Becky,  Abby, Tobin and a few other veteran players started to lowly growl at the thought of the alpha hurting the newest member of their family.

Y/N started to stir again, whimpering slightly as she started to come to. The alphas abruptly stopped growling and the omegas put themselves between the young omega and the alphas, the look in Christie's eyes daring anyone to come closer or growl again as she purred soothingly, moving carefully toward the omega, careful to not set Becky or Alyssa off.

Christie gently stroked the omega's arm. Y/N's eyes started to flutter and she blinked her eyes open. Y/N startled a little at the sight of all of her favorite soccer players looking back at her.

However she felt soft hands rubbing each of her arms. She looked and saw her newfound mates. She expected to be afraid being surrounded by a lot of strong alphas but I felt so safe with my mates and the rest of the alphas on the team, standing behind a wall of omegas all smiled and released soothing pheromones.

"So it wasn't a dream? I really found you?" Y/N asked, making Alyssa and Becky grin, kissing her cheeks, causing their omega to blush.

The veterans cooed over Y/N making her blush more.

Maybe not all alphas weren't so bad after all? She thought as her mates cuddled her closer.

USWNT Mate?Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon