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I consider myself very much a lunatic. Why would I not considering how I feel?

It's hard to explain quite exactly it is If I feel in words, the oddity that is I, but I will try my best.

The world to me is like walking in water, slow, awkward, unreal in its own sense. At times it feels like something is missing, like a gap in your heart or sometimes a pressure in your soul to contain what you feel.

You feel like something is wrong and you can't pinpoint what it is. Time paces to what feels slow but normal but you can't fully understand it. Only when you merge two things do you feel alright

That's when the illusions begin.

Well not illusions, but more like feelings. Suddenly as I let go my body becomes aware of itself, sensitive. My back feels heavy as wings or something is felt on my back, my lower ends walks more confidently as I feel a tail swish behind, my eyes and head became cautious as I feel them narrow and horns grow forth. It's an odd feeling, but comfortable all the same, as if they belong, as if the weight of hiding has been released if only for a moment. It's those times I let go where I feel most comfortable, most free.

Dreams are the exact opposite. It's as if it feels right, but the timing is so off and ever shifting. I feel the dream is just right, then too fast, waking up to reality, brain thinking more than when studying. Dreams are not completely of my control but at the same time feel and react to reality like predicting the future, or seeing the past you normally forget.

Sometimes I wonder if reality and dreams are really separate, or if they're both real and fake.

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