Stark Industries

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A/N: This is set post endgame, but Far From Home hasn't happened. Any thing surrounded by "ex." is spoken, and anything surrounded by 'ex.' is a thought. I am leaving this story uncompleted, in case I want to add or edit. Please keep the language to a minimum in the comments, but give me feedback. This is my first book ever. Enjoy the story, and feel free to repost, just tag me

Peter couldn’t believe his eyes as he stared down at the half sheet of paper in his hands. His teacher, Mr Harrington, was big on saving paper, so everything was on a half sheet. And if it needed more space, it would be on two half sheets.
    Mr Harrington also happened to coach the decathlon team. Peter was their star member, with Ned by his side. Since Liz had left at the end of last year, MJ had been appointed team captain. But even as captain, she had no say over where the field trip for the team was this year.
    So, shooting Peter an apologetic look, she began passing out the half sheets to the team. Most of them oohed and ahhed, but Peter felt like he may pass out. In dark, bold, intimidating letters at the very top of the page, the words “Stark Industries Tour” and the SI logo burned into Peter's eyes. He didn’t know exactly what he expected from this tour, but his standards weren’t very high. He certainly didn’t think he would learn anything, since he spent about 20 hours a week at the tower, when he wasn’t at his apartment he lived in with May, at school, or out patrolling. He even had his own lab there, next to Tony’s, for which he even had to have a special level pass to access.
    ‘Oh no’ He thought to himself. ‘The pass’ How was he supposed to play off having a special pass to his classmates? He had told them he had an “internship” at SI, (Which many of them *Flash* did not believe anyway.) but not something that would grant him this access. On top of that, SI had a strict policy in place against reprinting, so he couldn't get a different one for the day.. He groaned audibly, gaining a few looks from his teammates, who realized it came from Peter, and disregarded him. Except for Ned and MJ. MJ then announced that practice was over and the students left the room. 
    Ned met Peter at his locker. “What's wrong Peter?” He asked, even though he was pretty sure he already knew.
    “This is going to be the worst field trip ever,” He grimaced. “Not only do I go there everyday and have my own lab, I also have a level 9 access card. Literally only the Avengers have that. Well and me.”
    “But aren’t you an Avenger, Peter” Ned asked.
    “Not technically, Ned. I’ll make something up” Peter thought about how he was gonna get out of this one.
    Flash, having heard the last line of this conversation, came up behind Peter and dunked on his locker, although his lack of height ended up making it an awkward sight and his arm hit the top of Peter’s head on the way down. Both boys ignored this, but Ned snorted. “What was that dickwad? Making things up again? As always!” He yelled, turning and quite literally trotting down the hall and out the doors of Midtown high. 
    Peter was used to ignoring Flash, it made the bully bother him less, but still some. He shut his locker and turned to go down the same hall Flash had just gone down to leave, Ned by his side, and MJ even came up to his other side.
    That night, as Peter was finishing up his homework and about to go patrol, he remembered the form in his backpack, and left it on the table for May to sign, and swung out the window. The cool breeze felt nice on his face, through the mask Tony had designed for him. He began to chat with Karen while he looked for crime. He was out until about 10:30, before re-entering his bedroom window for the night, and falling into a deep sleep.

    Before he knew it, it was Friday, the day of the trip. He grabbed the signed slip and an apple for the bus, and left for school. He was proud of himself, being three whole minutes early rather than ten minutes late, per usual. In fact, that had almost become his new normal, so maybe he was thirteen minutes early.
    Peter spent the whole bus ride to SI with Ned blabbing about his legos in his ear, thinking how he could possibly get through the day without any of the avengers noticing him. He figured that it shouldn't be that hard, seen as the Avengers spent Fridays at the compound. Maybe he could convince the tour guide to skip the R&D labs, where he would undoubtedly find Bruce, regardless what day of the week it was. Bruce was subtle if none of the others were around though, so maybe…
His thoughts trailed off as the bus approached the looming tower. Tony was not what one would call modest, and the name Stark was plastered on the side of the building, each letter being bigger than Peter’s whole apartment. Peter sighed, and exited the bus with his teammates. That consisted of Ned, MJ, Flash, Emma, Abe, and himself. Decathlon teams were of five members, with one alternate.
The group, and Mr Harrington, walked through the guest entrance. Peter had never entered here, he only took the private entrance or came in the window. Nevertheless, the entrance was gorgeous, and directly inside sat the reception desk. Mr Harrington began to speak to the man at the desk, who Peter recognized as Liam, a man in his late 20s who managed a lot of paperwork and received calls. To Liam’s left stood Emily, the main tour guide. She had a clipboard and a stack of I.D. badges in her hands.
 As Emily began reading names off of her clipboard and handing out passed, Peter dug in his pocket, pulling out his own. Nobody seemed to notice, but they did notice that Peter's name wasn't called.
“Hey Miss,” Flash called out, “Peter didn't get one!” Flash always seemed to remember to drop the nicknames when adults were around, playing nice boy.
“It says here that Peter already has one. Is that correct?” She asked him, looking up from her sheet.
Peter gulped. “Uhm, yes, I intern here” he called back, somewhat unconvincingly. 
Flash’s face went a little white, but he brushed it off, as did Emily. She knew Peter’s story, she had accidentally walked in on him stuck to the ceiling one day, but kept his secret.. The only other people in the building who knew who he was were Tony, Pepper, the Avengers, Ned, and MJ.
Emily began to walk them through the lobby, explaining the badge system as she went. Peter knew about the system and tuned her out a little, keeping an eye out for any Avengers he should hide from. He did, however, catch one part.
“... and as you walk through, F.R.I.D.A.Y. will read your name and clearance level. I am an intern, so I have level 6. You, as guests, will have level one.” This made Peter nervous. He was a level 9. His face whitened.
“Um Miss Emily,” Abe called, “What is the highest level?”
“The highest level is 10. Only Mr and Mrs Stark have that. They have access to the whole building, although so do level 9. I suppose the only difference is Mr Starks ego” She put as an afterthought.
“So who has level 9 then?” Questioned Emma.
“Level 9 is for the Avengers, and a few trusted individuals” She added, discretely glancing at Peter. He blushed a little, happy that she was kind enough to play along with his story.
Just then, they made it to the gate where they had to scan I.D., and F.R.I.D.A.Y. began to read off names and numbers.
“Flash Thompson, Level One” She read
“Michelle Jones, Level One”
“Emma Larsen, Level One”
“Ned Leeds, Level One”
“Abe Lee, Level One”
Now it was Peter’s turn. He hesitantly walked toward the machine and scanned his I.D. card. To his horror, F.R.I.D.A.Y. read off, “Peter Parker, Level Nine. Welcome back Peter, would you like me to alert Mr Stark of your arrival?”
His face turned beet red. Flash, Abe, and Emma turned to look at him in awe. Ned, MJ, and Emily looked unbothered. Peter managed to stammer out, “Uh, no thanks Fri, I’m sure he is busy.”
“He is not. He just got out of a meeting and is headed to your lab to pick up blueprints for the new spi-”
Peter cut her off “F.R.I.D.A.Y.!” The A.I. could be a little over helpful sometimes. “It’s OK Fri, I'm on a field trip today.”
By now the out-of-the-loop team members were staring at him, and MJ’s face looked blank. Emily thankfully swooped in and started the tour.
Somewhere along the way, Peter unsuspectingly stood under an air vent. The hair on his arm stood up, and he looked around, but not up. He told himself that Flash was probably going to throw a spitball at him, and let it go. Just then, a figure jumped on his shoulders from above, covering his eyes.
“Guess whooo?” A voice called from on top of Peter, who instantly knew who his attacker was.
“Clint,” He groaned, attempting to roll his still-covered eyes. “Get off of me or I’ll tell Natasha what you said about being a better spy than her last weekend. Fri has it on camera.”
Clint quickly jumped off of him and was about to retort back when Flash cut in.
“YOU KNOW HAWKEYE AND THE BLACK WIDOW???” He spat in Peter’s face.
Peter took a step back. He had told his team that he had an internship, which they already had a hard time believing. He had not said that he knew Tony Stark, as mentioned by F.R.I.D.A.Y. earlier, much less any of the Avengers, Earth’s mightiest heroes.
“Of course Peter knows us, said Natasha, walking up to stand next to Clint. “Did he not tell you about his internship?”
Flash’s mouth hung open in disbelief. Abe’s eyes were wide. MJ cracked a small smile.
“These morons didn't even believe he had an internship. Why would they ever believe that he knew you?” MJ said in her usual monotonous tone.
At this, Emily stepped in again, anxious to move on with the tour. Peter said his goodbyes to Clint and Natasha, who even shook hands with Ned, who had been staring in awe of the heroes, even though he was aware that Peter knew them.

Peter Parkers Field Trip (One Shot)Where stories live. Discover now