First heart break

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  It didn't last long. Months later he got together with Phing Phing, the prettiest girl in the school, one year younger than us. It hurts so much, seeing them be sweet with each other.

  It hurts that he got someone else, and I had to stand there and watch them.

  It hurts that he likes girls, it means he can't ever love me.

  That I'll never get a chance.

  Still, I stayed. At first I was distant due to my broken heart, he even asked me about it but I just said it was to give them space as a couple. He said we could all hang out together, no need for a two person world. After that day, I told myself to be happy and content that he was happy with someone else. Someone who is a girl.

  I kept lying to myself, that I'm happy if he is happy. I kept up with fake smiles to hide my brokenness. Hiding all the things I do.

  He still doesn't know how much I love him. He still treats me as a best friend, a brother.

  I had one escape into fantasy, a fanfiction page. I don't know who started it but I sincerely, from the bottom of my heart, thank them. This was the only way I could console myself. The only place where I could be together with Way as a partner.

  When news came out that the fanfiction existed, Way was threatened to be expelled. I didn't like it. What did I do all these things for if you're going to expel him? I lost it. I told them if they were going to expel Way, I was going with him. I don't care if they lose their reputation, it is fake anyways. I only care that I'm beside him, smiling and laughing having fun together.

  A junior named Pan came to me when I was leaving for home that night, she said she was sorry. That she didn't mean for all this to happen, she just wanted to write out her fantasy. She said she would absolutely delete the fanfiction if I wanted to. I didn't want her to, it was an amazing work after all and I know she put a lot of effort into it.

  Then I offered her a ride home, Pan was a nice girl. She wanted Way to be happy, but she thought that Phing Phing was not good enough, she wanted him to be with me instead. She said I was smart, gentle, warm. The best for Way.

  I wanted so badly to tell her, that I wasn't what she thought. That I was the worst person that could ever be with Way. But all I said was that she should find love for herself and be happy. By now, I already unconsciously treated her as my little sister. She seemed to understand, given how wide she was smiling.

  That's when the whole Angel of Death thing happened. I was panicking on the inside, on one hand I wouldn't mind leaving because I felt it would be right to go to Hell but I was unwilling to leave Way. You have no idea how much relief I felt when it was only the dog that was supposed to go.

  But then, Pan went into my body. And for some reason. I didn't go into hers.

Edit 1-8-2020: Nothing big changed, just swapped 2 words cuz they made the whole sentence structure wrong which annoyed me :P

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