•|• Android Model: XA-01 •|•

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I'm modeling this off of "Detroit: Become human". People still have prejudice against them, but they're allowed to date and have families, they even made an Android uterus you can install in your androids; male or female. Androids are allowed to own homes, but sadly they can still be bought and be enslaved by humans, they can only own homes if they become deviants and act like humans. Basically they have to hide out and never tell anyone they are an Android to get basic rights. So far only 10 androids have been able to live freely.


Name: You walked into a police station to report something that you had seen in your neighborhood, the android at the front desk wrote down everything before sending you to talk directly to a police man about what you had witnessed involving another android. You waited for a moment for the policeman that would interview you to show up, and he arrived after around 10 minutes; no doubt looking at the case you had presented to them.
( Gayle )

Age: When the man walked in, you couldn't see the right side of his head until he sat down directly across from you, to reveal that he was an android himself. "I'm Gayle, I'm going to be interviewing you on what you have seen at the crime scene." Gayle said almost robotically, but something in his tone of voice didn't seem all that android-like; it just seemed like a human who was being polite yet stern. "Would you please describe what the android looked like, or what model it was?"
( His model is 1 years old, but he's modeled to be 23 )

Sexuality: He listened to you as you listed what you had seen go down with the android. One of the people that had also witnessed it chimed in with something that seemed to make the android known as Gayle grimace in discontent. "It was one of those deviants that thinks they're 'human' or that they have emotion!" The old man spoke yelled like someone was disagreeing with his opinion, the android that listened to this gripped his pencil tighter that he was using to jot down information, before turning his head to look up at the male with a polite smile that seemed almost... forced? "If we could keep this professional and leave out any biased information, it would help the case immensely."
( Demisexual )

Species: "I won't take that from an android!! Why can't we tell our case to someone that's alive, and not some stupid machine?" The old man hollered and stood up with a bang of the table, his hands slammed down on the metal and the echo of the ring stayed in the now silent room. Gayle's little circle on the side of his forehead turned red at the sudden motion, before it slowly turned to yellow, not leaving from that color for awhile until he saw the old man calm down a little bit.
( Android )

Gender: The old man sat down in his chair begrudgingly, before the Android turned his attention to you, blinking slowly for a moment then continued on with the interview. "Can you describe what gender the Android was? Was there any injuries on it or was it completely unscathed." Gayle continued without blinking an eye, waiting for your response before he continued to write what he was supposed to.
( Male, even got his dangly thing :3 )



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