i. A Red Feather

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You sat down on a hero agency's rooftop and pulled down your purple surgical mask to catch your breath. You took off your blood-soaked gloved and wiped your mouth, trying to slow your breathing down to a normal pace. The stars shined through the sky and glistened. The moonlight was directed towards you. It was like you were the main character for a play and the spotlight was on you.

The next morning...

You wake up in your apartment dorm and rub your eyes. The sun has been shining through your window and no matter where you turn, it found a way to beam into your face. After tossing and turning for several minutes, you decided to give up and start the day. You hopped off your bed and stretch, popping your back in the process.

You exit your bedroom and grab the remote on the coffee table next to the couch. You turned on the TV and switched through the channels. Most of it was filled with news reporting the mass murder in a hero agency. Since the channels were flooded with the news, you decided to just watch it anyways. You walked to the kitchen to make yourself a cup of tea and listen to the news at the same time.

"A whole hero agency was murdered Wednesday night and was reported right now as we speak. Autopsy reports state that all the victims were working for this hero agency. All the victims were also murdered by major blood loss from a card like slits on their necks. The wounds were as thin as a card, but fatal and caused death. This similar murdering technique is used by the villain named Gamble. We'll get back to you as soon the police department brings out even more evidence to the case."

You sipped on your tea as the news channel showed pictures of the crime scene and a video of a whole row of bags full of bodies. You were astonished that they knew which villain it was within 24 hours. "Damn, the police department is getting smarter by the day." You say and put your empty teacup down. A soft jingle came from your phone to remind you to buy groceries today. You tied your h/c hair up (if you have short hair then you brushed it back) and put on your f/c coat because you were too lazy to change out of your pajamas. You reached for your purse and phone then walked out of your dorm.

Once you exited your dorm, you spot Endeavor and Hawks down the hallway. They were asking a lady 5 doors away from you questions. The apartment you live in is a couple of blocks away from the crime scene, so it would be no surprise that they would be questioning citizens that live here. Shouldn't they have sent cops instead?

The winged hero caught you staring from afar, but as soon he took a step towards your direction, you dashed off into the elevator that's conveniently right in front of your dorm. Talking to the number 2 hero in the morning wasn't on your list. You could've accidentally told him to fuck off or something even worse. The elevator came to a stop and you stepped out, looking left and right to make sure there is no one else looking to ask you questions. There was none on the first floor, so you took a right to the nearest grocery store.

While walking to the grocery you stopped in your steps and looked back at the apartment. You lived on the 3rd floor, so you scanned to see if they went near your door. You flinched and almost screamed when you saw Hawks staring straight at you from the apartment. He was literally right in front of your door. You turned away quickly and dashed into the grocery store, finally happy that no one was watching you.

The store wasn't crammed with people today, so you assumed that you wouldn't be here for as long. You were in the fruit aisle, searching for Fuji apples, pears, and strawberries. There was a box of strawberries on the top shelf, which you can't reach. Goddamnit height. You put your grocery basket down so you can use both of your arms. Stupid girl, if one arm won't work, what makes you think two will? Your middle finger seemed to brush the bottom of the box, but that's the closest you could get (short ass-). You turned your head left and right to check if anyone was near to help you, the poor gremlin. Maybe if you step on those not so sturdy boxes nearby, you'll finally reach it. Before you can do anything to embarrass yourself, a red feather swooped, grabbed the box, and placed it in front of you on the ground. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2020 ⏰

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