»Shoto Todoroki's Past« «REWRITTEN»

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[Third Person]
shoto todoroki, the son of Endeavor and the brother of his 3- scratch that, 2 siblings.

his past isn't very light, but it's better than a few other's he knows of.

when Shoto was younger, him and his mother were close. very close, they did everything together. they cooked, cleaned, watched the news, played, sometimes Shoto would even sit in the bathroom while she showered.

Shoto was a mama's boy by heart, but that all changed once he got his quirk.

he remembers the day he got it.

he was around- 6- maybe 5 at the time. he came into the kitchen crying and bawling because he burned himself. his mother asked what happened, he stood there staring at her. "well.. i rubbed my arm."

Rei's eyes widened in horror. tears pricked her eyes. 'another failure..' she thought as tears streamed down her face.

"but then i touched it again and ice came out of my other hand. my right hand mama.."

her eyes widened again, she then screamed in joy. the torture was finally over, they had made the perfect number 1.

they hugged and she called Shoto's father, Enji.

he heard his father's deep laugh that made his stomach do flips, and smiled.

that singular joy filled day was followed with dread filled ones.

he was training everyday while his siblings got to play and have fun. Shoto was hurt. he didn't want to be special anymore.

he wanted to mama's little boy again..

[249 words..]

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