1) intro

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Your walking steadily to your new school, it's one of the best you know this because your mother told you, and she's basically never wrong. Your shoes go clippity- clap against the grey concrete and everything else seems silent. You walk up to the towering school gates and almost feel intimidated. Your exited though, new school equals new friends...and maybe a soulmate. NO NO NO, SCHOOLS FOR LEARNING! You think to your self at you walk through the doors. You are suddenly overwhelmed by chatter and laughter of your new classmates, they all seem to tied up in their own lives to mingle with a nobody like you.

"Hi, I'm Mary, you must be new here?" She says smiling, her blond hair practically glowing in the light. "Uh- yeah" you say nervously. Could this be a potential friend, or should you listen to all those low quality 2000 movies and stick with people who look like misfits? You go with your gut. You grip your skirt/ pants, and say "thanks for saying hello" you quickly walk away. What the heck!? You busted your chances of making a friend as you run into the closest room. You realise you had just walked into the student council room. Panic rushes through your body, as your about to walk out, a soft but pitched voice speaks up, "hey! You!" You turn around and see a short, blond headed girl approach you. She has an orange hoodie on, you think it's cute. She has a lollipop in her mouth. "Are you ok?" She asks. "Yeah- I accidentally walked in here, I'm new" you say shakily. "I can see that, want me to show you around? My names Runa by the way." She says opening the door.

"My names Y/N, by the way" you say following her close behind. "Well, welcome Y/N, to our school. But this isn't just any old school, you see....we do things a little bit differently" she says, looking back at you. "What do you mean?" You ask sceptically. "We like to play games, I mean gamble! We gamble a lot here." She says, slowing down so she's beside you. You stop walking. "Gamble, like with money?" You ask. "Well, not just money." She says.

~time skip to lunch, she invites you to sit with her~

"Hey Runa!" You say, blushing a bit. You sorta had a crush on her. She smiles back and hands you a lollipop. "Thanks." You say shoving it in your pocket. She seems pretty into playing her game. "What are you playing?" You ask, trying to not be annoying. "Ummm-  nothing" she says switching it off and sliding it in front of her. You want to know what she was doing. Was she texting someone else? Did she have a boyfriend...or a girlfriend?! You try not to seem upset and confused and cross your arms. "I've gotta use the little girls room y/n" she says sitting up and walking off. She left her phone sitting on the bench. You wait for her to be out of sight and grab the phone and switch it on, it doesn't have a password. You swipe right and to your surprise, see-

Oop that's all for now but please stay tuned for part 2, peace out my weebs

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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