Part 2

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Next day morning

Kunal's alarm rings. Kunal frowns and switch off the alarm. He goes to wake up but Kuhu holds his hand on her stomach whining in sleep. Kunal looks at her.

Kuhu: kuhu vo

Kuhu pulls his hand and he lies close to her. Kunal smiles and lies down snuggling her. Kuhu smiles. Kunal looks at her shoulder and remembers her saying

Kuhu: I thought I can put it in some other occasions. (mutters) vaise bhi I can't wear that this week

Kunal smiles and tighten his lips , he slowly moves the sleeves of her dress and see the mark. Kunal blushes a little seeing it, then smirks. He kiss on the mark. Kuhu shudders in sleep due to the kiss. Kunal smiles and snuggles her resting his head on her shoulders. Someone knocks the door. Kunal sighs. Kuhu was still sleeping. Kunal rolls his eyes.

Kunal: such a deep sleeper.

Again door knocks. Kunal takes his hands , gets out of the bed and opens the door. Kunal sighs.

Kunal: jugnu, why are yoy here

Jugnu frowns.

Jugnu: your tea time right, I.thought you got ready for jogging?

Kunal rubs his eyebrow.

Kunal:,vo I umm

Kuhu's alarm rings startling jugnu and Kunal, a rock music. Kuhu gets up switch off the alarm and see Kunal and jugnu. Kuhu frowns.

Kuhu: you didn't go for jogging

Kunal nods no.

Kunal: umm vo (Looking at jugnu) I got late

Kuhu nods.

Jugnu: namaste kuhu babhi

Kuhu smiles.

Kuhu: good morning jugnu bhai

Jugnu goes keeping the tea.

Kunal: will you have tea

Kuhu nods no.

Kuhu: I drink water first after waking up

Kunal frowns.

Kuhu:#beauty tips

Kunal raise his eyebrow and nods. Kuhu drinks water. Kuhu gets up and then stops. Kunal raise his eyebrow, then understands.

Kunal:,you freshen up first then I will

Kuhu looks surprised.Kunal raise his eyebrow.

Kunal: what happened

Kuhu: you you said I can use the washroom before you?

Kunal looks down awkward.

Kuhu:,I mean you only said #my room my rules

Kunal walks and takes the towel from cupboard,kuhu looks at him.

Kuhu: you said the rule #I go first

Kunal walks to her with towel.

Kuhu: then why this rule change suddenly.

Kunal smirks standing close to her making her nervous.

Kunal: when everything changed suddenly then why not rules

Kunal wraps the towel on her neck. Kuhu looks at him blinking due to the proximity. Kunal pulls her closer with the towel surprising her captivating her gaze. Kunal was about to lean for a kiss.Abir comes to room.

Kuku: #realisationWhere stories live. Discover now