Chapter 1

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A squeaky voice called out after the blond.
Bakugou laughed as he ran away, leaving his younger friend to chase after him.


In this World, every person is blessed with a soulmate. Someone who will stick by their side no matter what... But sometimes, you may not want your soulmate...

"Kacchan.. Do you think we're soulmates..?"

Midoriya looked at the other, a curious glint in his bright, green eyes. He always suspected there was something between them, after all.

"Maybe. I hope we are! I don't wanna be anywhere without you!"

The blond laughed a bit, pulling the smaller boy into a hug. And as the greenette leaned in, he could hear a loud sound..

"Kacchan..? What's that no-"

Izuku Midoriya woke up, gasping a bit for air as his alarm rang loudly throughout his room. He glanced around as he hit the button to make it stop.

"What.. was that..?"

The male mumbled to himself. He sighed softly and got out of bed, soon getting ready for school.
The male was currently 13, and honestly, he didn't care about much of anything anymore.

"Izuku! Hurry up! Katsuki is already outside!"

"Coming mom!"

The male quickly got ready now, starting to wonder why he hadn't woken up earlier.. his alarm had only just rang.. Regardless, he slipped on his shoes, soon grabbing his bag and running outside.

"Bye mom!"

He yelled at her, soon running to catch up with his companion.

"Kacchan! Hi!"

He smiled at the male, only to be given the silent treatment again. He sighed softly and hung his head for a moment before deciding to try and make some small talk.

"So, I had this dream last night!"

Silence. Okay.

"A-and ah.. you were in it!! We were younger! Kacchan, we were five! We were talking about soulmates and ah.. you're.. ignoring me still aren't you?"

He sighed softly and moved in front of the other, just wanting to get an actual reaction from him.

"Get out of my damn way nerd!"

The blond shouted, glaring at him. God, why was he so damn annoying? They weren't even friends! He was so tired of dealing with him.. He soon moved to walk past him, heaving a sigh.

"I will once you just listen!"

The greenette told the other.

"What if we're soulmates? It makes sense! We've known each other for as long as we can re-"


The blond yelled, shoving the smaller male to the ground.

"I don't want to be your fucking soulmate, I don't want to be your friend, And I sure as hell don't want to be anywhere near you!"

The others words.. it hurt, honestly.. The greenette could feel tears starting to prick at his eyes as he stayed put on the ground.


He quietly stated.
Without another word, Bakugou started to walk again, leaving the greenette on the ground. He just wanted this fucking nerd out of his life for good.

And honestly, the greenette was considering it. But his mom.. he couldn't leave his mom like this...

After a few minutes, the younger male got up, just forcing himself to walk the rest of the way to school...


After school, the green haired boy was putting his things away at his desk. He was quiet almost the entire day, and of course, no one had noticed.. well, the blond did at least, but he wouldn't admit to it.

Midoriya let out a small, shaky breath as he zipped up the bag, soon hearing footsteps coming towards him. And as he looked up, he noticed Bakugou and his friends.. They started to pick on him like they had always done, but this time, they didn't get a reaction like they always did. That's when they got an idea...

Bakugou smirked to himself as he grabbed the greenette by the shirt, slamming him against the wall.

"Damn fucking nerd.. how about you just do us all a favor and take a swan dive off the roof? No one will miss you, anyways. Not even your shitty fucking mother."

As Bakugou spoke, his friends grabbed things from the smaller males bag.
Midoriya couldn't help but panic a little now, starting to struggle.


Bakugous friends just laughed and poked fun at him, soon emptying some of the stuff into the trash before throwing the rest out of the window. And once they had their fun, they left.
The blond threw the other to the ground, giving him a swift kick to the stomach.

"Stay the fuck down, you sick fuck. No one will ever want you. Not even your soulmate."

And with that, he left.
The greenette Just laid there, silently crying as he held on to himself. What had he done to deserve this? He just wanted to be friends...
Though, he soon glanced at the window. He could always jump.. and if he and Bakugou were soulmates, he could fuck him over like this.. and if they weren't, well.. he'd be screwing over his own soulmate...
He sighed softly as he got up, closing his eyes for a moment to control the throbbing in his head. And once he was done, he grabbed his things and put them back into his bag, eventually making his way outside to repeat the process.

He was hurt.. both physically and emotionally.. and though he couldn't kill himself in fear of his soulmate, he could always just be reckless.. and that's exactly what he was going to do...

Aha! Chapter one is done!! I'm so excited about this. Thank you guys for taking the time to read this!! I'll be keeping up with my thousand words per chapter like my other books, so be on the lookout for that!! Thank you for waiting guys, and just know I love all of you. I hope your next 24 hours is good!

Amaranthine Yearning (BakuDeku)Where stories live. Discover now