Nightmare 🌌

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Rose's pov:

  "Dad please wake up dad please."
  "Excuse me miss we need him to take to the hospital now." The paramedics spoke. I nodded.

  "Uncle how is he? What happened to him all of a sudden?"

"Sorry kiddo your dad is no longer with you." He said in a sad tone.

"B-but uncle you are a doctor do something get him back please uncle?"
I pleaded while sobbing

"Sorry Rose, Steven is not here with us anymore." He said patting my back.

"Rose wake up Rose what happened?" I woke to the voice waking me up. I slowly opened my eyes to see a worried Chris. Again this nightmare ahh I'm so sick of this.

"What happened Rose why were you shouting? and you are drenched in sweat! Are you alright?"
"Relax Chris it was just a nightmare I guess."

"Ohh man I was so worried." He said while adjusting his seatbelt.
"Don't worry I have them often. By the way where are we yet?"

"We are still in California. The traffic on the way was hectic. But we near the exit of Cali."

"Ohh Ok. Do you wanna exchange the seats?" I said waiting for his reaction.

"Nope I am ok. So I was thinking we could stay in a lodge or motel because we can't find a good hotel now."

"Ok sure but don't need to hesitate to tell me to drive when you are tired?"

"Yes ma'am as you say." He said and I chuckled.

We sat in silence till Chris broke it "The gas is almost over there is  a gas station there would you like to come with me or will you wait here." He asked as he pulled the car in the station.

"Yeah I'll come with you." I said as I fastened my seatbelt. I stood near a snack store where Chris was buying almost half of the store. "Chris enough." I yelled and he started took a box of the exact same cookies he took before 'thrice' "Chrisss." I yelled in a warning tone as he stopped his shopping and went to pay the bill.
     "Ohh I think I forgot the wallet in car wait here I'll be back." He said as he jogged towards the car.
     "Roseeee." He yelled his face shocked like someone told him that they will shave his head. I ran towards the car "What happened now Chris?" I asked in a annoyed tone.
     "Someone has stolen my wallet  and everything inside the car." He said pressing his earlobe. "What the hell? Didn't you locked the car?". I asked and he shook his head. "Ohh god how can u be so stupid Chris?" I asked as he sat in the car like a lost puppy. "I know right." He said as I sighed in defeat although we met a day before but I know that no one could ever beat Chris in fighting.

   We sat like that almost for an hour until I saw a familiar bag pack carried by a boy. "I'll be back." I said to Chris as I walked towards the boy.
   He is the one who stole my luggage that fucking thief "Hey you thief." I shouted as his face turned pale as he saw me. "I trusted you but you took my luggage and ran away Just wait here I'll report you to the police." I started digging my pockets but then realisation hit me my phone was with him but before  I could say anything he gave back my luggage and said "Sorry ma'am I am really sorry take your luggage back but don't report me please ma'am." He said as I held his shoulder to make him sit on the bench he was sitting before and I sat next to him "Ok relax I will not report but you should tell me why did you took my luggage?" I said in a calm tone.
"Actually my father died in a car crash 2 years ago so I, my mother and my sister have nothing left except a small house so we wanted money for our living and I and My sister are both underage for anywork and my mother is sick so I ran away with your luggage."
"Ohh ok you have a reason but you couldn't rob someone like that right?"
"Yeah I know it's wrong but the situation made me do this." He told as guilt washed over his face.
"By the way what is your name?"
"Steve." He said and I was taken a back 'Steve' dad's name..
"Ok Steve look I know you are in a tough situation but I need my bag pack back but you could take my other bags and I will give you some money and my number okay if you have any problem call me okay?"
I said as he hugged me "thank you so much ma'am it means a lot." He said as I patted his back and then I gave his my number and some money and took my bag pack and turned around to see a smiling Chris staring at me.

Author's note:
       Helllo lovely people  I am back And here is the update....
     And I'll try to update it more often..

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2020 ⏰

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