Don't go to Sleep! Chapter 1.

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Hey!!! This is my first wattpad story. I've only recently discovered this amazing site and while I'm not a great writer, I thought I'd give it a go. I love fantasy stories, so I thought I'd start there. Enjoy :-)


The train station bustled as the 5 o'clock rush fell into full swing. Busses flashed by like agitated ants looking for grains of sugar. Sidewalks clogged with smoke shone as the last rays of day fell upon the city. Hundreds of people passed through the train station each day and while a lone boy on a park bench was odd and may have caused much eyebrow raising, it was no event that people would look back on as unusual. Their lives were just too busy for them to take the time to check whether the boy was alright or why he was sitting there by himself.

He had a slight build and brownish blond hair that was dead straight. His strong jaw and his ruffled, dishevelled clothes altogether made him seem like trouble, despite his lanky appearance. He wore black shorts and a green shirt with the words "Green Day" printed across it.

Just metres away stood a man wearing a pair of faded jeans, his face hidden in a blue hoodie he was wearing. Despite his slouched, casual posture, his eyes were moving ceaselessly, intently focused on the brown-haired boy. A loud whooshing noise accompanied by the whirling of chip wrappers and soft drink cans marked the arrival of another train.

In one fluid movement the teenager rose to his feet and quickly walked forward just as the train began to slow down. With a groan and high pitched squeaks the train came to a stop, its metal exterior glimmering with golden rays of sunlight. The doors opened and people from everywhere, including the boy, scrambled in, a pushing, shoving, writhing crowd all struggling to find a seat. The man in the jeans also rushed in at the last minute, as if as an afterthought, his hoodie still mostly obscuring his face except for the white scar that stretched across his right cheek to his lower jaw.

With the usual whirring the train set off, leaving a trail of fumes in its wake. With a decisive, confident air the boy weaved his way through the uncaring mass of people clinging to the side rails. The boy quickened his pace, pushing past a middle-aged couple and falling into a dirty, patched chair.

Groaning audibly, he dropped his head in his hands. Across from the boy, the man with the hoodie decided to enter the train too, his eyes shifting left and right in quick succession. There wasn't enough chairs as the boy, Liam had taken the last one, so the man stood, a scowl inscribed across his face. The boy neither looked up nor acknowledged the man, but instead remained facing downward, unsuspecting of the danger lying in wait not two metres away.

Suddenly, the last rays of sunset burst out all at once, streaming through the windows of the train as waves of light. The sudden brightness startled the teenager out of his reverie and he looked up, his face illuminated by a pillar of gold. For the first time he noticed the stranger across from him. Taking in the man's faded hoody and ripped jeans he stared on nonchalantly, something that seemed to amuse the man. He smiled, a twitch of his mouth tainted with malice and grim acknowledgement.

Liam hid a shudder as the stranger smiled, a gesture showing more coldness and cruelty than any sneer or grimace. He recognized him as waiting on the same platform he'd been on. He also remembered his indecisiveness at entering the train. Perhaps he doesn't catch the train much, Liam thought. He quickly looked away, seeming to find an intense interest in the scenery outside the train's grimy window.

Liam watched the cars and buildings whirl by as the train picked up speed. He watched as the people on the sidewalks crossed the roads and looked up to greet their passing. He'd had a brilliant day in the city, in his home. Liam loved the city and he had lived in it all his life. The urban jungle was a crazy place, but nonetheless a brilliant place if you knew your way around.

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