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Hewo my crying children. I have been uninspired these week with no motivation...
I've been sitting on my bed trying to think of something worth putting on paper, but nothing.
When I do try it turns to shit
But I wasn't hopeless.
With past knowledge on my side I realized there was one thing that would get me off my losing streak...

Draw some scandalous art!!
Or rather something inappropriate!!

And who is the perfect model to display such act?
Why Classy herself of course.

And who is the perfect model to display such act?Why Classy herself of course

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For this I wanted to change the face a bit.
My faces look a bit too 'stuff'

However there might not be much difference
Mission Failed

But I'm still happy with the ending product.
The anatomy is okay and the hair is nice.

I'll explore this in the future and try to update more often...
Until then, have fun and stay safe😚

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