Chapter 2 - Flowery Tea

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     Your heels hurriedly clicked against the pavement of the concrete sidewalk below your feet, mall-walking towards the Japanese café that was just about to open. Your soft hands pushed open the door to the establishment, your (h/l), (h/c) locks blowing from the force as you grabbed your tray, and popped your knuckles in anticipation.
     "Alright, is everyone here?" The manager's voice boomed from the back as you let out a shaky sigh, silently thanking the universe for letting you make it just in time. "Alli? Check. Rin? Check. (Y/n)? Check. Alright ladies, let's get to work, and remember to be extra cautious here! Italy is different than Japan, mafia members might be our beloved customers, so always stay alert and don't get on anyone's bad side!"
     Your manager, Grace, was as strict as ever that morning, but honestly, who could blame her? The Hana Kissaten was a popular, all-ladies café from Japan, where you all used to work before the boss moved you here. You wouldn't get harassed as much in Japan, most customers were far too polite, but Italy was new territory, none of you knew what to expect. This place was quite feminine, walls coated with flowers, and a themed menu that would make any Harajuku girl squeal, but that still didn't mean that dangerous people wouldn't order here, or possibly even have meetings here.
     You were pulled out of your thoughts when the chime of a bell rang above a door, signaling the first customer of the day had arrived. You smiled and threw a thumbs up to your manager as you happily walked over to the first customer.
     "Hello, welcome to the Hana Kissaten, table for 1?" You asked, your smile as sweet as sugar, and your voice like syrup. You were a walking buffet of candy, just like the company wanted, as the customer seemed a bit taken aback. They nodded as you sat them down, pulling out a menu for them to look at.
     "What would you like to drink? Our specials are the Sakura Sencha, Matcha Madness, and the Momo-Ichigo Ocha. Of course, we also have coke products!" You explain, your warm smile coating your face with love and happiness as you wait for the man to decide.
     "I'll just have a coke." They say, sitting back as you nod, and run off with their order.
     "いちコラ、おねがいします!" You speak in your foreign tongue, all learned from your time in Japan.
     "はい!" Your co-worker, Himari, responds, starting to fill up a glass of coke as you await more customers to take orders for. While you wait you curiously watch your customer, who seems to be calling in a group to spy on someone.. god, you really hope that's not you.
     After a little bit of waiting, a colorful group of 6 people walk into the establishment, the person in front seemingly being a male with a black bob, and a mainly white suit, with black speckled all over it. He also seems to have a cleavage slit, which shows intricate designs all over his lower chest. You sigh and take a deep breath, slipping over to the ground and smiling as you grab 6 menus.
     "Hello there, welcome to the Hana Kissaten, would you like a table for 6?" You ask, your co-workers seemingly freaking out in the kitchen.
     "Yes, thank you ma'am." The midnight-haired man says, you starting to lead them to a booth in the corner. As you start to lead them over, you notice your co-workers motioning something to you, causing you to be a tad bit confused.
     "...なんで..?" You ask yourself, before seating the group of all males down, replacing your confused face with a candied smile. "What can I get you all to drink?"
     "Oooh, Bucciarati, can I get this moomoo tea!!!!!!" One of the men asks, seemingly appearing pretty young compared to the rest of them.
     "Oh, do you mean the Momo-ichigo ocha? It's actually just a peach and strawberry tea, I don't think there's any milk in it, unless you want it made that way." You say, smiling as the boy nods, seemingly wanting the tea.
     "Alright, what can I get the rest of you?"
     Everyone else seems to get just regular coke products, or drinks, except for a blonde, who orders the Sakura sencha. You smile and nod, writing down their orders, before slipping off to the kitchen, your co-workers enwrapping you in a gigantic hug.
     "Oh my gods, (Y/n), that was a group of mafia members!!!!!" Your friend, Rin, exclaims, causing you to freak out.
     "えええ?! バカな!!!!!!" You exclaim, starting to feel your legs turn to jelly as your manager, Grace, slips over and shakes you a bit.
     "(Y/n), don't get cold feet now! You've already agreed to serve them, just serve them their tea, get their orders, and don't die on us. I'll have Alli go and take over for your last order so you don't have to deal with two tables at once." Your level-headed boss speaks, causing you to swallow the lump in your throat and shake off the jitters that reside in your body.
     "You're right, I'll make the two boys' specials, while Himari can make the other drinks!" You negotiate, Himari nodding as you both rush to make the drinks.
     You delicately start to make the peach and strawberry tea, as well as the sakura tea, as you desperately try to calm your nerves, your legs feeling like they're going to go haywire. After finishing the teas you quietly slip out into the main seating area, the group of mafia members seemingly studying your every move.
     "Here you all go! I have a sakura sencha for the blonde, a momo-ichigo ocha with milk for the child-" You start to speak, before one of the members starts to burst out laughing, some other, tinier voices seeming to laugh along with him. The man seems to have a blue and red cap, with a matching crop-top sweater, and a gun.. in his pants?
     "Hey, I'm 17!!!!!" The young boy exclaims, causing you to gasp and bow in apology.
     "I'm so sorry, please forgive me sir!" You exclaim, feeling absolutely horrible as someone in the back seems to stifle a laugh as well.
     "Goddammit, I'm 17, shut the hell up!!!!!!!!" The boy growls, punching one of the laughing members who only laughs harder.
     While this commotion is going on you make sure to get everyone else's orders, your face flushed bright red in embarrassment from your actions.
     "It's completely alright, ma'am, he gets mistaken for a child quite often." The bob-haired man explains, you nodding as you sigh, going back to your cheerful exterior.
     "I'm still sorry about that, anyways, what would you like to eat?" You ask the group, who all answers with their favorite kind of food, which makes you a tad bit hungry, your stomach growling as a reminder the only thing you've eaten was an apple.
     "Alright, I'll go get those orders for you all!" You exclaim as you run off to the kitchen, seemingly about to have a mental breakdown.
     Your co-worker, Alli, is seemingly dying on the floor laughing, as you try your best to not mentally implode.
     "Good work, (Y/n), your shifts almost over. After you deliver the food, you should be done." Your manager explains, the sweet release of home almost feeling too good to be true.
     "Alright, order up!" Himari says, having somehow already made the food. Huh, weird.
     You smile and thank the lady, taking the food and running out into the seating area, handing everyone their food.
     "Here you all go!" You smile, bowing as you look at the group, who all seem to have their eyes locked onto you. "My shift is over now, so another waitress will be serving you, it was lovely to be able to serve you."
     The group all seems to look at eachother with a certain kind of look, one you can't exactly read, which makes you a tad bit confused. You sigh and slip off, not hearing the person try to get you to come back. You slide into the back, quickly starting to change out of your work clothes, and into your casual clothes.
     "Are we still on for movie night at your house?" Your co-worker, Rin, asks, the rest of the girls seemingly excited for the sleepover.
     "Hell yeah we are, after your shift make sure to come over, and don't forget to bring snacks!" You exclaim, smiling as you internally curse yourself for forgetting about the sleepover you had planned tonight. Oh well, you're just lucky you'd have some company tonight.
     For more reasons than one.
     You quietly slipped into a (f/c) t-shirt, tucking it into a short, black suspender skirt, with a petticoat underneath. You smile as you slip on some doc-martins and thigh-high socks, you waving goodbye to your friends as you rushed out the backdoor.
     That's when you saw it.
     A tall, gold and purple humanoid creature, with eyes that could pierce your soul 10 times over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2020 ⏰

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