Part 1

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~ Sophomore year ~

"He always says you're a 'troublemaker'." Addison mockingly quotes her father. Only getting a slight chuckle from the zombie holding her hand as they walked rather than the laugh she'd intended.

"I thought they were starting to like me." He commented disappointedly even though he still wore a smile. Addison sighed.

"They tolerate you Zed." The way his shoulders slumped forward made her chest ache. She jumped in front of him and lifted her arms to drape around his neck. "'Cause they know there's no one else I want." She whispered, looking him in the eye to assure her sincerity. His face softened at her desperate eyes, she never wanted to hurt him and he knew that.

"I know Addy. You're just perfect and I'm so far from it. They want you to be with someone who fits the mold better." He agreed with a solemn smile in his lips.

"They can't stop me from loving you, Zed." She said firm but softly, one hand coming up to cradle his jaw. "I'm not the quite perfect little girl they can control anymore. Thanks to my amazing, unique, adorable boyfriend."

That got him to laugh, a genuine smile finally shining through from all his doubt. The corners of her lips lifted as well before her hand slid across his jaw to sift through the short hairs at the nape of his neck. She stretched up on her toes while gently tugging him down to meet in the middle for an affectionate kiss. He gladly complied, sighing contently against her lips and wrapping his arms more firmly around her waist to keep her close.

"Break it up you two!"

The loud exclaim doing its job, Addison rolling back onto her heels as Zed groaned audibly. She giggled and laced their fingers together for a comforting squeeze before turning around to face the owner of the voice.


"Keep your tongue in your own mouth Green Bean." He snapped at Zed, giving him a disgusted up and down glance then turned to address his baby cousin. "And you. Cheer practice. Now. Captains can't be late because of idiot boyfriends." Another glare shot Zed's way from the previous Cheer Captain turned Class President made his blood boil but he'd keep his mouth shut for Addy's sake.

Even after winning the election, he still watched Addison's every move as Cheer Captain like a vulture, circling and waiting for the moment he could swoop in and criticize her. Zed hated it but what could he do?

Addison turned back to face him and stretched back up for a peck, not caring about the noise of distaste behind her. "I'll see you tonight, right?" She whispered, the sparkle of mischief in her eyes that he loved.

"Yeah, I'll come pick you up." He agreed, swallowing in an attempt to quench his suddenly dry throat. It was starting to become a habit. He'd come pick her up when she snuck out her window, they'd find a nice cozy hidden spot by the river, lay out on a comforter and kisses would lead to...other things...that still got his barely beating heart racing.

She smiled up at him, bright and excited, how he always wanted her to look. "Cool, I'll see you then My Forever." She whispered.

Zed could swear there was a slipped beat in his heart whenever she called him that. He leaned in to steal one more kiss from her perfectly kissable lips, that she gladly gave, but earned a squawk of protest from Class President Bucky who snatched her by the wrist to pull her away.

Zed pouted but softened when she waved back to him before disappearing around the corner. His shoulders slumped as he went his own way to find his friends.


He found them sitting in the dingy basement converted into a classroom almost 2 years ago. They used it as a quiet hangout spot since they didn't actually use it for a classroom anymore. No one wanted to go down to the basement if they didn't have to.

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