Chapter Two: Bubble Tea

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"Hey, Ray is having a party tonight. Do you want to come with me?" Eddy says, without even looking up from his phone. 

Brett stopped typing. He took one last look at his music theory homework before responding to Eddy's question.

"Um, sure? I did want to practice my Tchaikovsky for the workshop tomorrow though. Maybe-" Brett started. But he didn't get to finish, because halfway through the word "maybe", Eddy interrupted him.

"Seriously? Bro, you used to be so fun. Now all you want to do is practice. Come on dude, you'll have fun! Besides, your Tchaikovsky is practically perfect anyway. Even Tchaikovsky himself would approve." Eddy mumbled.

A deep pink crept up Brett's milky white cheeks at the compliment.

"Well, I am a year ahead of you, you know. It all gets harder. You don't have time to waste partying anymore." Brett managed to get out.

"Yeah, yeah. Sure. That's what you said last time too." Eddy said, rolling his eyes. What was wrong with Brett?

"Hey, look, I'm sorry, ok? I just need to make it perfect before the professors judge it tomorrow." Brett really did feel sorry now, but he really needed to get his Tchaik ready. Plus, the thought of Eddy dancing with someone else made him want to puke.

"Please Bretty? Please?" Eddy turned around, giving Brett such convincing puppy eyes that he could say Brett was a kangaroo, and Brett would believe it.


'O-Ok, f-f- fine. I'll...go." Brett stuttered. Although Eddy didn't know it, Brett's heart melted into a puddle of soft mush everytime Eddy gave him that look.

"Yay!" Eddy squealed like a young child. "The party's at 8 by the way, so you still have some time to practice that Tchaik." Eddy added with a wink that made Brett's heart race.

"Y-yeah- uhh, thanks..." Brett said with a small smile. Did Eddy know what he was doing to Brett? 

"No problem bro. I'll go get us some bubble tea. Is that fine with you?" Eddy asked, returning Brett's small smile with a wide grin.

"Yeah! Thanks." Brett said enthusiastically. Bubble tea and Eddy? What a great combo.

After hearing Brett's reply, Eddy climbed out of his bed and made it over to his wardrobe. He chose something simple, just a black hoodie and some light grey sweatpants. No need to dress up to get Bubble tea.

He made his way to their bathroom, ready to get changed. Bubble tea sounded good. 

When he was about to get out, he sneaked one last look at the mirror. Maybe the look was too simple? Maybe he should change. oh well. He'd just have to deal with it.

With a sigh, Eddy opened the bathroom door and stepped out side.

Brett, however, had different feelings. As soon as Eddy stepped outside their small shared battroom, Brett couldn't help but wonder: how did Eddy manage to look so good in such simple things?

Eddy grabbed his keys and made his way out the door. 

"I guess I'll be back pretty soon. Do you want anythig else?" Eddy asked, with a strange expression on his face, as if he was trying to remember. 

"Nah. I think I'm good. Did you need anything?" Brett replied with a shrug.

"Um, no I don't think so." Eddy said with the same thoughtful face. "Ok then. Bye! I can't wait any longer for that bubble tea." Eddy added with a smile.

Brett heard the door swing shut just as he was about to say farewell to Eddy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2020 ⏰

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