Its not what it looks like

443 8 18

sky's pov

After I stormed out of blooms room I was so pissed at her  I ignored her for two weeks. If I answered her calls it would only remind me of something great I lost. I went to the gym to blow off some steam.

Sky I think you need to take it easy brandon said 

WHY...WHY do I even try to keep that girl happy when it seems she wants nothing to do with me. I start to break down piece by piece not even caring about the people watching me .

Sky you been through enough today just go take a nap maybe that will help brandon told me 

Instead of going back to my dorms I went to the only place that's going to make me happy

Magix bar 

3 hours later 

4 shots of vodka later


but I feel so light.. I feel so alive

Hey there a heavenly voice says

I turn around to see about a petite woman with brown hair and green eyes smiling at me widely

Hey i said to her

Can I join you for this drink she asked

If this is what being happy feels like ill come here everyday.

I'll buy this round hun I say to her

As if I wasn't completely wasted already I down another 4 shots of vodka.

I'M EMMA she screams over the music 

I'M SKY I said sloppy about to trip over 

WOAHHH buddy I think I should I should take you home you don't look so good she said looking at me worriedly

Where do you stay she asked me 

Why you tryna do something babe I asked through slightly opened eyes

No i'm just scared your gonna do something you regret if you drink more

She dug into my pants and got out my wallet and she saw my rf  ID

Ahhhh ok lets go Ill take you home she said sweetly 

We get into her car and she dives to rf when we get there she drags my dunk body around asking people what dorm I stayed in

When she gets my room number from a classmate she drags me there and pulls out my keys from my pocket

As she unlocks my door she drags me to my bed and was about to turn and leave....

Wait I said as I looked at her

Stay.... please I asked her

Sky I don't think that's a good idea

I promise I wont do anything I just don't want to be alone right now I say

Ok... umm do you have anything I can wear to sleep I don't think ill be able to sleep in this she said as she pointed to her latex skin tight black mini dress

Yea you can pick a shirt from there I say as I point to my drawers

She changes in the bathroom and came back and laid in bed with me

Goodnight sky she whispers

Goodnight bloom I say as I drift into the darkness.


I woke up with a headache I turned to get some aspirin when I noticed someone else in my bed.

Its and bits come back to me from last night and I don't remember much but I hope I didn't sleep with her.

I look back at her and see she's still asleep so I get up to take a shower

Getting out the shower I put on some sweatpants and was about to walk out but I stop in the mirror looking at my reflection 

What have I done with my life....I'm not happy....That should be bloom in my bed not her...I have to talk to her...apologize for ignoring her

I hear someone knock on the room door and I walk out to see emma not on the bed anymore

Emma who's at the door? I call out as I just get to the door...

No is all I can think when I see bloom

She looks tired like she hasn't gotten any rest  she looks smaller like she hasn't eaten

She looks back and forth between  me and emma and I see tears start to form then she just starts to run. I call after her but she just keeps running. I know how this looks but its far from it.

I look back at emma and she just stares at me


Thank you I smile as I run after bloom but when I get outside I couldn't find her

I threw my hands up in frustration 

                      ~20 minutes later~

I called her over and over again but she still would't answer 

I called stella and I was surprised when she answered 

WHAT DO YOU WANT!?! she screamed at me

I just want to talk to bloom stella I don't mean any harm i say calmly


I didn't do anything stella just let me talk to bloom


she left.... she left because of me

I hung up on stella and just broke down crying 

I'm so sorry bloom... but it's not what you think baby i promise I whisper with tears falling down my cheeks.

*How we feel about sky now, guys I kinda feel bad for him right now :( comment how you guys think the next chapter should be like I would love to hear your ideas * ~Yonna your weird author  Make sure you guys try to read my 2nd book  its starting off slow but I believe it has potential :)

sky and bloom better togetherWhere stories live. Discover now