Fat and Beautiful.

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Once upon a time, there was a girl called Aisha.

She was fat and people degraded and insulted her for being fat.

Those words were like knives but she had an armor on; she didn't let those words affect her.

One day at school, someone looked at her with disgust and yelled "you are fat!" in the hallway.

Then everybody looked at her and started laughing.

She tried not to let that affect her and replied with, "I'm fat and so what? I am still beautiful, strong and still me."

The whole hallway became as silent as a graveyard and only her voice was heard.

People gave her weird looks and there were some whom their conscience was debating with them.

She didn't care about any of that and continued:
"Fat ain't the insult you think it is. Being fat is not and should not be a crime. Being fat has nothing to do with my personality or who I am."

She continued on,
"I don't care what you think, your thoughts. I won't let my demons to absorb them and use them to torment me. I am fat, beautiful and still who I am."

Then her final words were;
"Instead of judging others and mocking them, look at yourself and judge yourself. You are pointing a finger at me but four of your fingers are pointing to you. Judge yourself before you come for me."

She said all that and left not even sparing a look at those behind her or those she passed.

She won't deny the looks- they have hurt her but she won't let those ruin her day. People like that don't deserve a rent free space in her head, they aren't good tenants.

After school, she saw some people waiting outside with apologetic looks on their faces, and she saw a few girls who were also fat.

She was confused as to why those people were there.

"We are so sorry for insulting you." They said in unison.

"Nuh-uh, I am fat indeed, and that ain't an insult. I am fat, badass, and beautiful." She said.

"That's true," They smiled.

"Well we are sorry for saying it with disgust and making being fat a stigma."

She smiled at them and said "Y'all gotta be careful with what words come out of your mouth and your facial expressions. Those are one of the most dangerous weapons. It could kill a person a thousand times over. Well...I accept your apologies."

They said "We would be sure to keep that in mind and thank you so much." They smiled at her after their words.

"No problem" She said with a wide smile.

After they left, the few fat girls came up to her and thanked her. "Why thank me?" She asked.

"You really helped and inspired us, so thank you." One of them said with the others nodding.

"No problem. Remember don't let those people words hurt you, it won't be easy but try to distract yourself from them. Don't let people insult you because of your looks. You are beautiful no matter what. Don't let society judge how you should look or who you should be for you. Fuck their opinions. Tell them to look at themselves and judge themselves before pointing fingers at you." She said.

They all smiled at her and one of them said "Thank you so much! We would be sure to keep that in mind," then they waved bye and left.

She walked home and as she walked, she reflected upon her day and smiled to herself.

She was glad she fought back.

She won't let those people words hurt her.

She put in her earbuds and played the song Blue Side by J-hope and hummed to the song as she walked.

   -The End-

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