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"Who are you and why are you here? What do you want?" The voice said angrily.
I wasn't able to see properly who was saying.
"Say me!" The voice yelled.
"Who are you?" It asked the same question.
When I came back to my senses, I looked around and tried to remember what happened.


"Hey guys what's up!" I said to my friends Jake and his girlfriend Georgia.

"Hey, we are fine. What about you?" Jake asked.

"Not that good guys." I said with a frown.

"Why?" Both Jake and Georgia asked in unison.

"Are you not feeling well?" Again they said unison. I let out a small smile.

"Ah, umm......., no, just work stress." Again I let out a small smile to lighten their worried mood.

"Are you still writing on that topic?" Georgia asked as she saw me writing something.

"Hmm..." I said taking a bite of french fries.

"Are you......... planning on going over there?" Georgia asked with a worried face. I smiled at her and gave a it's fine look .

Georgia, she is like a big sister to me and Jake, he is a brother to me. We spend our childhood together. They are only the ones who understands me.

"But why?" I asked.

She gave me 'Seriously' look. I nodded my head in 'No'.

"Theo, that place is something else, that's not safe!" She gave a 'Did you understand?' look. I let out a small smile to lighten the mood.

"Don't worry, Georgia. I will meet you guys tommorow. Bye, see ya later." I said taking the last bite of my pizza and went away.

Behind me I heard Georgia saying something but I didn't understand, so I ignored it and went away.

"Theo!" I heard someone calling my name when I was about to go out of the cafeteria. I looked back at looked at the person calling me.

"Hell no!" I told myself when the person calling me.

"Theo, where are you going?" She said fluttering her eyelashes as if showing me her cuteness.

"Don't bother me, Nora!" I said irritated by her nonsense.

"Oh, are busy?" She said pouting her lips.

"Tell me." She said grabbing my hand. I pulled my hand from her. I went from ignoring her.

Nora, she is one of the popular ones. When I came first here, she had a crush on me, but I don't. I feel irritated whenever she is near. That's why whenever she used to come near me, I go to the other side.

I was on my way home, I was thinking about tonight. It's going to be a great and exciting night. I walked faster , because I was excited. I reached home, went straight to my room, I had a light shower. I wore a simple black jeans, usually I prefer distressed, but it's going to be a action night I preferred simple which is not too tight, and can prevent me from injuries. I wore a simple t-shirt and a black hoodie. I took my camera and fled downstairs. I took a bite from what my mother was cooking, drank some water and reached my bike. I drove my bike, towards the place about which I have heard many things. I didn't took many stuff, just my camera and a knife, just in case.

I reached place, it was totally like that what I heard. It was completely isolated. I had a strange feeling like someone's watching me, but I told myself that in these types of places everyone feels like that.

I started to take a tour of the place, it had a well, with no water to be seen in the darkness, just black and black and black.

I took photos of all the mysterious looking thing I got there.

When I was clicking some photos I saw a shining object, at first I thought it would be some kind of metal that is shining in the moonlight, but I was wrong.

I saw a beautiful emerald studded hairpin. The green colour was the same as my eyes. I picked it up and studied it, behind it, there was written something like :- "For You My Love."

I was bewildered and began to think that to whom this belongs to.
Anyway, I took a picture of that also and put in my pocket. I went inside the house, it was deeply dark. I searched for the switches hoping that there would and luckily, I found them. It was old but the lights were still working.

I went to every room for some information, but didn't got any important one. While I was looking at the photos that were in the hallway, I was froze. I saw a young girl with the same hair pin. I took out the pin and looked carefully.

"Damn, it is totally that hairpin." Then I noticed the girl.

"She is beautiful." I said to myself then I noticed something strange.

"Wait, what is written here?" When I was looking at the picture and tried to understand what was written, suddenly I felt someone is behind me and I fell down and my visions went blur.

~Flashback end~

Hey readers, how ya all doin'? Hope u r doin' good. Well I don't how well it went but u guys tell me thoughts through the comments.
Hope ya all like it.

Love ya all......

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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