my likkle devil :(

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lyrics by kly on daddy issues haunt my head as she hiddles in my head
“she calls me daddy...”
i hear them play
they're loud, they echo,
and they set my soul alight

what i feel for her is not normal
it scares me, but i love it
instant vulnerability overcomes me
my soul gets weak,
it shivers to her presence,
and her aura captures it effortlessly

she doesn't even try

she scares me,
my likkle devil, but i love it

she never gives much of herself
it hurts, but when she does my day goes from plain to being made

suddenly, i forget her her flaws
i forget the pain.
the pain my heart endures when she's absent
how 'her life' omits my existence & puts me in a cage,
away, from me & far away

she [fucks] me up, utterly
but i love it
she's daddy's likkle devil

"For Bonnie," by Clyde.Where stories live. Discover now