Chapter 1 - Before The Night

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The night was young and the music in the dinner hall was blasting loudly, students were grinding against each other on the dance floor and having their best time of their lives.

This was how prom was promised so why was Clyde moan under his best friend's touch, both were tipsy as Token kisses down Clyde's neck "mm~ f-fuck me~" Clyde moans quietly, breathing heavily as his hair was a mess.

The dark skinned male didn't think but shove his lips onto the smaller male knowing both of their dates were on the dance floor while they were in the restroom making out.

Neither of them would have thought they would end up like this...

(Back to that morning)

The group of boys were in the hallway by their lockers as The raven rolls his eyes "Prom is the most stupid thing in the world" he stated blankly, Tweek frowns "I must admit... it's stressful" he whispers nervously as he grabbed his books for the rest of today.

Clyde on the other hand had his eyes lit with excitement "you gotta be kidding me! Prom is like the thing we worked so hard to get!" He said loudly earning other students to glance over, "you mean to dress up and dance to lame music? Yah I'll pass" Craig states making the Taco loving boy to pout.

Their attention soon trailed to Token on the other side of the hallway with Nichole kissing him passionately, his hands on her waist while her arms were running up his shirt.

"God I can't wait when me and Bebe will be like that tonight~ I feel so lucky!" Clyde grins as he had gotten his on and off girlfriend to agree to go prom with him, "g-g-good l-luc-k m-my dude" Jimmy grins making clyde chuckles.

"The day when you stop being a virgin is the day I believe you ain't a baby" Craig added before taking Tweek's wrist "come on, the bell is going to go off soon" he stated calmly.

The small teen rolls his eyes playfully and looks at Jimmy "so who you taking to Prom?" He questioned earning the joker to laugh "no o-one, I'm going to s-see Timmy at h-his ho-use" he answered with a light blush.

"Ooh?~ gosh Jimmy you better be on the best behaviour then" Clyde joked before feeling Token lean on his shoulder making the smaller teen to look up at him, "Tokie! You had fun making out with Nichole?~" he teased making the taller male laugh, "actually yah, god I'm actually looking forward to prom and spending the whole day with her" Token says watching his girlfriend walk away with her friends.

The three boys chuckles knowing they were all looking forward to something tonight, hearing them bell ring through out the school Clyde was the first one to speak "see you at lunch!" He giggles rushing off to his lesson while Jimmy and Token strolled together to science.

Later that day at lunch the four boys were on their table as Craig glares over at the other table across from them "Craig, don't make me slap you with my pizza." Token warned seeing the raven glaring daggers at Stan and his group of friends, the only one who was noticing the raven was Kenny with a big grin and winks.

Clyde giggles hearing Token threaten you use his pizza but Craig only looks away and took a bite "that blonde just pisses me off..." he mutters as Tweek sighs looking rather annoyed at Craig, "for what? That he asked you to prom" he snapped sounding salty as The group widen their eyes "wait seriously? You gotta go!" Clyde says with his begging eyes.

Jimmy nods placing his soda down "I a-after, you don't have t-to l-l-lik-li-like the guy" Jimmy explain showing a smile with the gap between his teeth.

The raven glares listening to his friends and sighs "maybe, ugh it depends how I feel" he stated and pulled out his phone signing he didn't want to talk anymore.

Talking nonsense about prom the group of boys didn't notice the two girls walking over as Nichole wrapped her arms behind Token kissing his cheek gently "oh hey Babe" Token chuckles loving his girlfriend while Bebe sat on Clyde's lap as Tweek and Jimmy watched the two give affection to their friends, while Craig faked gags not taking his eyes from his phone.

"I need you to wear black for prom~ with a red tie" Bebe smiles running her hand down Clyde's chest in a seductively way while Token moves slightly for Nichole to sit beside him and wrap an arm around her carefully "god your adorable" he whispers to her as she just rest her head on him.

After watching the two couples Tweek stood up and walks out without another word, Craig sighs not bothering knowing sometimes the blonde need some space.

The day went as normally until they gotten to prom, Clyde worn as he was told, in a black tux and a red tie, he stood outside waiting for Bebe feeling his heart beating fast but soon saw a car pull up to see Token and Nichole.

Nichole worn a bright yellow dress, her breasts were showing above and the dress went up to her knees, at the bottom had small yellow flowers while Token worn a much posher Tux than Clyde did and even had his hair gelled backwards making him look like a billionaire.

Blushing staring at them both Clyde soon waves and rush over "whoa you both look amazing!" He grins excited making them both chuckle, Token locking his door before walking over to his friend and hugged him tightly "not so bad yourself dude" he laugh.

A moment later Bebe got out of Wendy's car, Clyde mad eye contact as his whole face turned dark red as she worn a bright red dress, up to her thighs. No bra was seen as her dress had a heart shape right between her breasts, smirking seeing her little boyfriend a mess from just the sight, she walks over in her heels and kisses him gently "come on~ the party is going to start without us" she giggled.

The Mistaken Night (Tyde - Token x Clyde)Where stories live. Discover now