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A red hot burning coal that burns only the angry.
Anger is to the soul what a burning coal is to the Hand.
The greatest man I have known to ever exist, Muhammad PBUH was once asked to give a wisdom, and advice on life.
He said; "Dont Get ANGRY".
He could have told him to get a better spouse, invest more, get knowledge or many other important things. But why ANGER...? That is because it destroys everything. It is natural to get angry, but holding on to it, it only hurts you, just like the burning coal burns the hand that held it.
You can have a very good spouse, but if you cant control your anger, a little misunderstanding can destroy everything.
You can be very rich and powerful, but if you cant control your anger, a little wrong can make you put your wealth to more harm than good.
Knowledgeable, Leader, Celebrity or whatever, anger can make you do things that you'll regret later on in life.
Because you are not yourself when you are angry.
Let go of the coal save your hands.
Let go of anger, save your soul.
Let yourself get consumed by peace.


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