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A child punished for the sins of his parents and the society.
I, and you, could have been him if not for our loving parents who put us through school and kept meals on the table for us.
I, and you, could have been him if not for God, who kept our parents alive and gave them the ability to sponsor our upbringing.
Its never his choice to be casted out just like it is not by our power that we had a better background.
Imagine me being six years old with no roof on my head when it rains. No guarantee of a single meal. No shoes to protect my feet from the burning sun, No one to hold me in a loving arm, No one to tell me the dos and don'ts of life. If blood or drugs is where food is, that's where I'll go. I could have grown into a Robber, A Rapist, A Cultist, A Kidnapper, A Theif, or even worse, die on the streets, wasted. But I am not, because of God and My Parents' Love, not my power. This is the kind of faith we, the system and their parents leave their Lives to. It is never an Almajiris Fault. So lets love them a little more, while we educate their parents and fight for a better society. With that love, they can be you, me, or even someone better.


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