A new face and a visit to Mr Grillby

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The last hour has dropped and Grillby was fatigue after a long days work...but more of days than only one day,the bartender was going to his kitchen which was connected to his little flat upstairs,but seem  unfortunate when the little bell rang from the front door...

Grillby pov.
Oh come on I was just gonna head upstairs but well one things for sure why the hell did I leave the flipping door opened in the first place....but why complain if it's just one customer.It's probably another mutt trying to break into the kitchen agai-
I see no furry face but more of a snow white skull with the deepest scars(craks)on his face,running along both eyes...one of them up his likely to be 'eyebrow'and one below his eye sockets.He looked rather relived of some sort..hmm I wonder what...but I'm to tired to think to much on little things..."Hello sir...is there anything I can help you with,a drink perhaps ". I waved a emptied glass cup,and proceeded to the the bar counter."Tea would fine,thank you mister....uuuh".Quite flustered at not knowing my name he looked away embarrassed."Oh nothing to be flustered about, its alright my name is Grillby".I held my hand out for a handshake,he first hesitated but then grabbed it as if he hadn't touched life presence in long time,damn he had a strong grip"oww".I said shocked in my own words oh God that gave me memories of Z-zach..I felt hot water-droplets go down my face.."U-uuh I would g-get your tea",trying to look away I dashed into the kitchen doors,Oh god what if he saw no.no.no.no...he can't find out..the tears seemed to stream drown to my collar making my vision blurry


"Z-zach please l-leave me alone!?"I howled back sprinting forward into the woods"Aaaaawwww come on Grillbz we can have so much fuuuuun,wouldn't you want that!~"He catched up to me and slammed be to a pine tree"Please I will do anything.J-just leave me alone please!!!" I pleaded but got shut upped by a scaly hand."WHOULD YOU WANT PEOPLE TO DIE!!!,Huh...it will cost a life you know if you keep running from me...you know I an't lying so-".he slammed me harder into the tree"I-I-I.... y-yes fine." He gave his stupid smirk"then let's have our fun shall we..."I wanted to to burn his head off but even if I tenced with fiery smoke you would use  water to burn myself which is twice of the damge to my Hp than a normal blade attack....so I had to live with Mr pain....

End of flashback

The tears never stopped but I kept strong and tried to hold them back...I went out with the steaming hot tea..please god I hope he didn't notice my stupid dramatic crying please god...

Gaster pov.

Ok that was weird but cruel of me..goodness did I hurt him that bad.He must be in shock,I must apologize,damn did I just make the fool on my first time getting here..wait to go Gaster.wait.to.go...just my luck he dashed through the doors with my tea looking kinda agitated like somthing is bothering him but trying to hide his expression.God I felt so guilty....Oh Gaster he looks traumatized....

Ok I tried to make it different point of views to make it interesting 😎👍

Narrator pov.

So after that embarrassing moment and the award slurped tea,Gaster just decided to break the silence"Grillby I wanted to apologize on my awfully unintentional behaviour eariler,I was so determined on meeting such a friendly fellow but grabbed your hand ever so tightly,my apologies again."he was about to leave when an arm stretched out tugging him not wanting him leave."No it's alright,sorry for being so exaggerated on just a tight grip, cheese I'm such a baby somtimes-"Grillby looks down and realises thst he hadn't let go of Gaster's bone-like arm...

Grillby's pov:
Aww shit gay panic has taken over

Narrator pov:

"Uuuh of should've paid oh my God,I'm the burglar on the loose!!"both men laughed at the stupid joke..."well uuh I should be heading off and also I wanted to apologize on becoming so late here,when you were close-"Hey it's alright,I don't mind...don't worry about it.."Grillby sighed "well do have anywhere to stay...I don't mind a companion staying here tonight*from out side Grillby looked calm as a cat without cat-nip but in the inside it was total gay panic station*"Oh I give my gratitude to your kindness but I wouldn't want to disturb you"Gaster gave out a sigh"Hey now who wouldn't not offer a place to stay for the night to such a well mannered skeleton like you,now come I insist"...they went to the room and..........oh meh god if you thought of them making out you are so bloody dirty minded...they just went to bed Grillby on the couch because he is so damn kind and Gaster in the bed because Grillby had insisted  on him taking his room but clearly Gaster thought of this was to much...I mean he just met the guy...what the worse that can happen right?.....

His hidden burden of pain(le Grillster)Where stories live. Discover now