Miss Lacey-Mae Janey Munnings

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Warnings- domestic violence
Florence smiled as Lacey's Sea green eyes sparkled, AJ overwatched as proud as punch. To the rest of the world it seemed as if the couple with the new born baby were happy but that was far from the case, Florence thought she loved AJ but was quickly proven wrong by his short temper and demanding demeanour. But now maybe just maybe because of Lacey this would all change, both AJ and herself had something to try for. Everyone cokes and fawned over the piercing green eyes and ebony dark hair of baby Lacey-Mae Janey Munnings.
The day soon turned into night and time melted away soon enough months dissolved into years.
Lacey was about five or six when she first witnessed her fathers short temper, her mother had done well to hide it until then. When Lacey came into her fathers workshop, he was dangerously whispering with Florence.
"You have roses in your cheeks you are looking well." AJ began. Florences glance hit the floor "am I? I quite enjoy the fresh air this time of year." She replied a slight smile crossed AJ's lips "you should get out more" was his response "well actually I'm going now" Florence replied as she started to move towards the door. "Going where" AJ questioned, his tight iron grip, gripping florence's shoulder. "Don't" Florence pleaded.
AJ turned to her and played with the collar of her shirt "come on, let's be seeing you" he spoke, Florence swallowed hard "AJ, Lacey is right outside and I really do have to go" what both did not realise was Lacey was already walking through her fathers workshop. AJ ignored Florence's reply " AJ not now" she repeated. AJ gripped Florence's shoulders and a dangerous tone took his voice "so when is now?" Florence tried to stay strong "Just not now!" She spoke but AJ was having none of it and pinned her against the bed in the back room of her workshop "Yes now!" He shouted and Florence started hitting him, they didn't notice the face of Lacey, looking round the door frame at her parents. AJ was in a rage, Florence kept hitting him "go on Try that again! Try that again!" He responded to Florence hitting him. AJ restrained her and bought his face close to Florence's "Why don't you do what you bloody well should do!" He spat. Lacey's eyes glazed over the six year old still looking round the door way. AJ's Grip eased slightly and Florence slapped him and made a getaway, but AJ grabbed her but it was no use she bite him. She got to just before the doorway and turned to him "Don't you dare! I'm not your gypsy" she shouted at him then she turned and went to leave she walked to the front entrance, leaving AJ in the back room. She turned and saw Lacey huddled by the doorway. But she had to get away, so the left, she knew AJ wouldn't hurt Lacey, he loved her.
    AJ sat on the bed, head in his hands. When he heard someone breathing ever so quietly, as if trying not to say be heard. "Lacey if your out there get in here." There was no answer or movement "Lacey-Mae Janey! I know your there! Get in here at once!" Lacey came out of the shadows and stood before her father, her long hair cascading down her back. He gently took hold of his little girls shoulders "Lacey I think your old enough to learn the rules we follow in this house" Lacey's green eyes looked at him AJ Continued "Rule one: you Never answer back to me. Rule two: if I ask you to do something you do it. Rule three:if you disobey you understand there will be consequences! Do you understand?" Lacey nodded "answer me Lacey!" AJ retorted "Yes Papa" Lacey spoke AJ smiled "we can't have your manners turning out like your mothers" AJ replied and sat his daughter on his knee. He started to tell her a story.
Lacey didn't see her fathers temper often as her mother took the brunt of it. But she remembers  one afternoon when she was about 9, her mother was out, she went into her fathers empty workshop to get her doll from her mothers room. Lacey accidentally knocked some paint over and it pooled on the floor, before Lacey could do anything she heard footsteps, her father would be white with rage if he knew so she ran and hid in the back room.
     Her father cane in and immediately saw the paint, he swore, anger seethed through him. "Lacey! Lacey Where are you!" He barked Lacey stayed hidden. "Lacey-Mae Janey! If you don't come out this instant it will be worse for you!" Lacey was about to get up when she heard her father's words under his breathe 'when I get hold of that child I'm going to beat her black and blue' Lacey decided she wouldn't go out. As she curled up tighter she accidentally kicked the dresser, a brush clattered to the floor. AJ's look shot towards it. Lacey edged herself against the back wall. AJ had a plan. He walked to the door opened and shut it as he knew Lacey could not see the door but she could hear it. The he crept outside the doorway and hid against the wall.
A sigh of relief came from Lacey when she heard the door shut, he was gone or so she thought. Lacey stood up and smoothed her dress down, she walked towards the exit, as Lacey got into the front room of the workshop. A hand clamped her mouth to hide her scream, she was caught in an iron grip. Fear filled her eyes her father had laid in wait. AJ dangerously whispered "do you think I'm stupid?" Lacey shook her head, her whole body
Quivered with fear. And with that he tucked Lacey under his arm. And carried her kicking and screaming to the house. That was the first beating Lacey had ever received. As soon as it was over AJ acted like it didn't happen.
As Lacey grew elder she saw the more violent side to her father. But her mother was always there. Until one night Florence was at her wits end and once again drank cyanide, unfortunately this time should could not be saved. Lacey remembers that night she was just 15 it was the night her father was having a party, it was the night her father found out Florence was pregnant with her lovers child. it was pelting it down with rain, it was Lacey who found her. That night she was left motherless.

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