staying at Derek's

38 2 0

July 19

The Morgan's house


Derek's POV

I pull up to the house and grab my bag from the passenger seat; slamming the door shut. I walked towards the door thinking about how to get that mold out of the walls before next week so my next step for plastering the new home. I was hired by a nice elderly couple. ' maybe mix bleach and vinegar or..." My thoughts were interrupted by a high-pitched scream from in my house. I drop my bag switching to my gun from my waist to my hand and kicking the door open. Searching through the rooms till I reached Hank's room then another it was his son he pushed the door open and pointed his loaded gun at the person it was just Penelope holding Hank her eyes widened. " Derek Derek don't shoot, "she said frightened and had her back turned towards him protecting his three-year-old son.

He put his gun on safety and back in its holster. "Baby girl what, how are you in here? Where is the nanny?" Questions were running through his head guilt too he almost shot his best friend. He watched as she put down Hank near some toys. "I-II uh came cause.." she was breathing hard. I put my hands on her shoulders and looked into her beautiful eyes. " Baby girl I'm sorry calm down and breathe in and out" her breathing slows down her, demeanor calmer "now gorgeous explain," he said.

"Well, I got off work at twelve and decided to come to visit you, Savannah, and my handsome godson. When I got here, I knocked and the nanny opened the door, she recognized me saying I would have to wait for you. said more in a different language than left. I've been here I'm sorry that I came in uninvited and didn't tell you"

"Penelope it's okay but last question why did you scream?" Her face lit up and started laughing "oh again sorry but baby boo learned his first binary code. She picked her laptop and showed him 0 and 1s. He didn't completely understand it but he was happy his son was very smart as well as strong. He picked up his son and blew on his belly earning a giggle from Hank and Penelope. He eloped her into a hug kissing her forehead. " So my goddess how is work"

"It's okay I'm going to need to find another one soon," she said pinching Hank's cheeks.

"Why" he responding giving him to her and leading her to the kitchen and searching behind the spices to get to a sparkle can with a unicorn on it

" Cause I got all the numbers and reprogrammed the whole system so it cannot be hacked by any other countries or baddies. So to say my part of the private project is over. " He made tea put it in her stays at Derek Morgan mug with honey. Setting it in front of her with strawberry wafer sticks. She took a drink " where is Savannah" Penelope bounced Hank on her leg and Derek stared at them lovingly. "She is at a doctor conference up in New York for a week."

"What again this is the third time, I wanted to see her and give her a present"

He shrugged "just give it to me and I'll hand it to her" she smiled "okay it's in your office ohh also there was another reason I came JJ forgot to tell you last time she was here." He raised an eyebrow surprised " what is it, baby girl?" " Well I don't if you know this but Rossi is officially retiring from the BAU and the team wanted to throw a party for him and Luke since he is leaving too"

"Where is Luke going" he asked "well as I know of he was chosen to be on a new starting behavior analyze unit in Alberta, Canada" she put Hank down and he walked around

"That's great for him really great" he said sarcastically he was happy with his life. A wife and a son he love so much but something was missing he missed being out there helping people solving cases with his family. He hardly sees them maybe every couple weeks or months. He missed Penelope the most even if she came visit every two weeks it was only for a couple hours. They had something no one else had, it seems even loves her more then his own wife. He knows it sounds bad but what can you do.

"I don't want a excuse from you not be able to come you didn't come to my farewell party two years ago" she did her little fake pout. " Are you still angry about that ha I took you to your favorite Italian restaurant, went dancing at a steam punk ball with you. I still feel those tights against me, silly woman" he hugs from behind and hid his face in her strawberry vanilla scented blonde hair. " Sug, I could never be angry at you. You can my favorite God son too all the children will be with Matt's wife Kristy."

"Seems like I have no choice since planned everything baby girl." She nodded "Why don't you stay the night since its the weekend and we can all head down together tommorow." He said "sure we can do that dark chocolate is it okay I get a bag ready for him" she asked and he nodded she left with Hank to his room. Derek went to his office and sat at his desk. He saw the little envelope from Penelope to Savannah, she always was thoughtful to everyone. He smiled til he opened his drawer then instantly his smile was gone, he picked up a large yellow envelope. In it contained a chance to join the FBI special weapons and tactics unit aka s.w.a.t ; it was offered to by a special agent Jake Fleek apperatly a leader of the unit. Derek was working out at his gym and was approached by Fleek, he said that he had been watching Derek for while. He knew he was in the BAU and could offer alot to s.w.a.t, Derek didn't say yes but didn't say no either. He was confused it was amazing offer a deal of a lifetime and missed it but he gave it up for his family. He hears a little knock and looks up to see his baby girl leaning on the door way in what seems to be his clothes. He puts everything back while she walks up too him

"Darling pudding what was that"

"Nothing to worry that sweet little noggin of yours. I see you found your way into my clothes mama" he bit his lip scanning her up and down.

"Changing the subject my hero. You know I'll find out later anyways I thought you would not mind you haven't ever before" she winked at him. She was right he loved her Garcia swag but something about being in his clothes made him want to do something but he wouldn't admit it. " I put Hank to bed and was wondering if you wanted to a oldies movie night" she placed her hands on his shoulders and started to rub them.

' Oh fuck this feels good. ' he thought.

Her hands weren't only magic to computers but magic to him. "Anything you want baby girl" he got up and led her to the living room to see blankets and snacks already out. She knew he would say yes cause he could never say no to her. He sat down comfortably and pulled Penelope onto his lap. " So what we watching" hugging her close.

"I was thinking ' on Golden Pond ' from 1981" she scrolled till she reached it and pressed play.

Into 30 minutes of the show

"I forgot to tell you there will be other surprises tomorrow I have planned" she whispered.

"What kind of surprises?" he asked, drinking some beer.

"I can't tell you then it wouldn't be a surprise"

"Come tell me" he poked her sides knowing she is ticklish.

"Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!" She said, quoting the movie. He loved that turned him on a bit. He pulled her back close to his chest and softly moved her hair away from her ear and blew on it. He felt her shiver on top of him "Mrs. Robinson, you're trying to seduce me. Aren't you?" He whispered in her ear.

"Did you just quote a line from another movie" she said, shocked and trying to not laugh " that liner has worked on many before" he felt her go still and saw sadness in her eyes for a minute. He knew he screwed up but she started laughing " ha princess don't laugh at me" he started tickling her she fell to the floor laughing and he kept tickling her " oh mon dieu stooop pleaaaasse." her face was tomato red and she was breathing hard. He helped her back up "we should head to bed " he suggested and she shrugged in agreement " can clean this up tomorrow baby girl" they went to their bedrooms, she sometimes stayed in the guest room." ha silly girl," she turned to him "you know I love you right" she smiled and he smiled back "I love you too my chocolate God"

"Goodnight Penelope" "goodnight Derek" he walked into the room and took off his shirt throwing it somewhere. He jumped into bed dreaming of the memories of today and what's waiting for tomorrow.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2021 ⏰

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