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Loud music could be heard as the crowds cheered and danced, there was a huge crowd surrounding the stage which stood four 22 year olds young men and one young lady, one of the men is playing the drums,he have a red bandana wrapped around his black hair and wearing a T shirt that says HAZMATZ in flames, his jeans were blue and rip on his right knee...

His name is Ken Kazama on his left is a man playing the keyboard he have dyed blonde flat hair, a dark black nerdy glasses, he is wearing a shirt of a picture of a suit and his jeans is black he is the Ken twin brother his name is Kinn Kazama and on the front of them was a muan singing and rocking on his blue electric guitar he have a Jet black hair which is being covered with his orange beanie he is wearing a black plain shirt with white long sleeves and orange shorts he is the band leader his name is Trey Miller, next to him was the only female in the band she is playing her green bass, she have a firetruck red hair which stops above her waist, she is wearing a shirt that is green with black stripes with one unbutton button revealing a bit more of her chest she is wearing a red skinny jeans her name is Maven Faye

Once the band played the last note the crowd applaud

"HAZMATZ!!!,HAZMATZ!!!"the crowd chanted
The band did the rock and roll sign

"Thank you! New york!"Trey shouted and pull his arm pretending to hug them,"we must be going now".
The crowd awed

"I love Trey Miller!" A fan girl shouted

Trey kneel down pulling out a pen and wrote down his number

"Call me"Trey said as he did the phone signal" we should hang sometime"

The fan girl only shook her head yes Trey winked before Maven pulled Trey away from the stage.

"Rock on!" Maven shouted as she dragged Trey backstage "Trey before you give a girl your number make sure she's legally an adult"

Trey rolled his eyes

"Relax Mave"Trey said as he put his arm around her making her blush but quickly hid it before Trey could see it....
"She's 20 so she's an adult and quit worrying"

Maven only shook her head and walked away to the limo

Trey watch as Maven walked away with daze in his eyes he felt a nudge as he turn to see his nerdy friend Kinn

"Stop looking at Maven ass lover boy"Kinn said as he start laughing"and don't tell me you're not"

"W-what i-i wasn't" Trey stutter Kinn put his two fingers as quotation marks"she's my best friend"

"Yeah sure best friend maybe more"Kinn smirk

"Maybe they're friends with benefits". Ken said as he pop up behind Trey.

"What no!"Corey Shouted"me and Mave are just friends ok enough of this I'm going in the limo."Trey then walk towards the limo he opens the door to see Maven sitting drinking Alizé (It's a wine)

He sat next to her maven lift her cup

"No thanks mave."Trey said laney just shrug and took a sip"isn't early to drink?"

Maven look at him

"Trey who cares."Maven respond"anyway it's 5:30 so it's not early." Maven finish her cup and grab the bottle drinking it from the bottle

Trey chuckle

"Hey I wants some now."trey said maven passed the bottle"thanks mave." Trey drank a bit before kinn and ken interrupt his drinking by kinn taking it away from him and kinn and ken drink it all

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