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I woke up around noon I was so tired with all the nosies, I mean like who could sleep especially when you hear the wall pounding over and over

I was so tried I didn't bother to change or comb my hair, I walk out of my room to the kitchen where I fix myself cereal I sat down on the chair i had my head laying on my right palm i was slowly sleeping

I was starting to drool

"What the hell?"Trey said to himself"Mave!"Trey shouted

Making Maven's face slip down into the cereal,still maven ignore and stay asleep Trey chuckle a little he lift her sleepy head and clean the milk with a towel he then pokes her face

"Ouch!"maven cried out in pain"what the fuck!?"

Trey laugh a little he likes it when maven is mad he thinks it makes her more cute

"You were sleeping and your face fell in the cereal so I clean your face and try to wake you."Trey explain as maven playfully punch him

"Anyway what happened? You didn't get enough sleep?"

"Of course I didn't!"maven shouted

Making Trey jump a little"you and that fan were so fucking loud With the wall banging I swear to god I was going to pull that bitch from the hair and out the house she kept me awake for the whole night and when you guys stop screwing she still had to talk to you."

Trey rolled his eyes

"We weren't that loud."

"It's like saying I'm not a girl."maven scoff

"What if you're a trans gender."Trey joked maven laugh

"I'm sorry mave if we kept you up all night it's just She was better from the other three fan girls."

Maven did a disgust face

"Eww I don't need to know."maven said Trey was going to say something else but maven cover her ears"not going to listen to you about fucking someone."

Trey put his arm around maven and she sightly blush

"To make it up for last night what if we go to eat at Macons Bacons?"Trey suggest maven eyes widen she shook Trey back and forth

"For real T!" Maven shouted excited

"Yeah but you're not ready I guess n-" before Trey could finish his sentence maven ran straight to her room Trey chuckle

"If only."Trey whisper to himself he then felt vibration he reach in his pocket taking out his IPhone 11 Color Black

It was a text message

"Ugh from Jessica."


"Nope delete."Trey then delete the message and her number he then start changing his number again

When he look away from his phone he sees maven standing there wearing a shirt thats above her stomach which have a picture of a Music Box that reveals a bit of her Chest

Her hair was wet making it seem more longer and on top her head was a black beanie her jeans is blue and rip up along with black Adidas

Trey was amaze he stare at maven with daze in his eyes

"T."maven said Trey shook his head"are you ready to go?"

"Huh?"maven giggle"oh yeah lets go mave."Trey put his arm around her as they walk out the door entering Trey's black Audii trey open the door for maven

"There you go mi lady."Trey said in a British accent

Maven giggle

"Why thank you sir."maven replied also with a British accent

Once Trey enter the car they began to drive to Macon's Bacons

Once they arrived Macon's Bacon

Maven eyes widen she was excited just like a little child excited about Disneyland but instead of Disneyland it's bacon

"We're here."Trey said getting off the car opening the door"don't go crazy mave ok."

Maven just rolled her eyes

And walk inside beside Trey

"Hello!"A guy in a Bacon costume shouted excited"Welcome to Macon's Bacon where you could eat all the bacon you want."

Maven jump and down excited

Trey drag maven to a booth

"This is awesome!"maven shouted smiling Trey laugh at his friend but maven smile fade away

"What is it mave?" Maven pointed behind him

"Oh hell nah!"Trey shouted angrily

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