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It's funny what pain can do to someone.

For some it can make you stronger, for others it can make you weak.

It's a funny thing really, after all pain comes in all different forms. It's like a thief. Attacking when you don't expect but when it leaves, it takes a part of you with it.

Some choose to fight there battles.

Others try, but yet pain doesn't seem to get tired.

Sage had been in pain for so long. For 2000 years she fought it.

Every night, every morning, every evening, every afternoon.

She fought.

But yet she never could get rid of her pain. It knew just where to strike.

By now she had considered herself an actress. Placing on an evil smirk and a badass attitude while in the inside she was screaming.

Begging for someone to see her pain for someone to take it away even for just a moment.

Pain made her forget,

She forgot what it was like to be happy,

She forgot what it was like to feel loved,

She was numb.

Until him.

He too was shattered into millions of pieces.

He never looked at her like a monster.

He never judged her.

He made her happy.

But then,

He was gone.

And she lost her battle.

The demon 2 || Niklaus mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now