«chapter eighteen»

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"I think that Bailey's getting sick." Hayes said bringing her over to me.

I put my hand to her head. She did feel hot.

"You feel sick baby?" She nodded her little head.

"Hayes can you get me a thermometer?" He brought one from my bathroom and handed it to me. I pressed the button.

"Open." I put the thermometer in her mouth and it registered to 100.3. I showed Hayes.

"Should we take her to the doctor?"

"No she usually gets like this at this time of the year, she'll be okay." He shook his head. "Do you want me to go have her checked out to make you feel better?" I giggled as he nodded making his way to the car.

I checked Bailey in and we waited for her name to be called. Bailey went to play with the toys that were there.

"She's going to be fine Hayes I promise." I say grabbing his hand in mine.

"I just want to make sure this is the first time I've dealt with her when she's sick."

"I know but I told you she gets like this around this time of year, it should be nothing to worry about okay?" He nodded.

"Bailey Moore." I heard baileys name and I walked over to the doctor.

"Come on baby." Hayes said picking Bailey up and walking with me. She weighed Bailey and measures her height and did the routine stuff.

"Yep she definitely has a fever. When did all this start?"

"Today. She usually gets sick this time of year and it's nothing to worry about but her dad was worried so we brought her in." She checked baileys throat and nodded.

"Well she has normal sinuses with a fever. So just give her lots of fluids and she should be fine. Any over the counter already medicine will work." She shook my hand and we left to the store.

"I told you it was nothing to worry about." I giggle and he didn't. He parked and went inside. I hope I didn't upset him. It wasn't my intention. I turned to look back at Bailey and she was sleeping. I smile and heard the car door open.

"Hey did I upset you?" He nodded.

"I haven't been around for that long and I was just worried."

"It's my fault for not trying harder to tell you about her." I looked down.

"No I should've answered when you told me you had something to tell me. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too."

"Okay now lets get her home and in bed." We made it back to my house and Hayes took Bailey up to her room. He came back down and sat beside me.

I turned on my tv and just watched whatever was on. I put my legs over Hayes' lap and put a blanket over us.



"I want to ask you something."

"Okay." I sat up and got close to him.

"Do you think there will be a chance that you and me could get back together?" It caught me by surprise. I don't know if it was the fact that I just wanted to say yes and kiss him or that I was scared to get my heart broken again.

"I-I think I want to. I just don't want to get my heart broken again."

"I love you and Bailey and I just want it to be the three of us together. I want her to grow up in a home where her parents are still together. I might only be 19 but I want to be with you forever Brittany. I don't ever want to lose you again. Could you give me a chance to prove myself?"

"I love you too and I agree with you. I think you could prove yourself to me that you won't hurt me again." He hugged me from the side.

"But we can't show any affection around Bailey. That's my only condition."

"Deal. So can I kiss you or that's off the table too." I blushed looking down playing with my fingers.

"You can try." He lifted my chin and brought my face to his. Our lips inches apart. I felt my phone buzz. I groaned rolling my eyes.

"One second." I answer. "Hello?" I heard my mom frantically talking through the phone. The only word I could make out was 'your dad's dead.' I went silent, my phone dropped to the floor and I screamed. Sammie came running down stairs. Hayes and sammie were trying to get me to calm down but I couldn't.

"Dad's dead sammie." Her face turned white.


Hayes was holding me close to him. Sammie took off and hasn't come back for like thirty minutes.

"I-I can't breathe." I tell hayes, my breath hitching from crying. He was trying his best to calm me down but it wouldn't work.

"I'm so sorry Brittany. I don't even know what to say." A tear fell from his cheek. I wiped it off getting a smile from him. His smile sent happiness through my body and I calmed down.

"I wish I could've seen my dad before he... you know. I haven't seen him in two months." He rubbed my back, slowly making my eyes heavy. He brought my chin up to look at him. My brown eyes stared into his icy blue ones. He leaned in and kissed me softly then pulled away.

"I love you. So much it hurts. I'm so sorry about your dad. I'll miss him too." I kissed him again.

"I love you. Thank you for always being there for me."

"You're welcome. I'd do anything for you. I also have a feeling you don't want to be alone tonight so how about we go up to bed?" I nodded and he picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room. He put me on the bed and took off his shirt. I got up and change into Nike pro spandex and a big t shirt. I brushed my teeth and wiped off my smeared mascara. I came out and Hayes was already sleeping. I smile at him while getting in bed beside him.

"Goodnight Hayes." I whispered kissing his cheek and pulling his arms around me.


What Now *SEQUEL TO A SUMMER WITH HAYES*Where stories live. Discover now