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Matt POV


h man! I'm going into space! I may see some aliens. I sure hope so. Oh my I forgot to introduce myself. I am Matthew Holt. Right, so now I am packing to go on the Kerberos mission. Also, my dad is coming! So I won't be alone with strangers!

Currently I am 17. Technical not the age limit. But I am the smartest in the Galaxy Garrison, so I can go because of my brains. This is gonna be sooo awesome!! The only backside is that I have to leave Katie.

Katie is my little sister. We are as close as siblings can be. And I am going to be in space for a year maybe more. We can't contact each other while I'm in space. So we have portable pictures of each other.

I am going to miss her so much! Anyway, my dad said that the last person going was one of his co-workers. But he won't tell me what his name is. We are going to leave for the launch site in 20 minutes.

We are loading our many bags into the van. We need a lot of clothes to go to space for a year. That's why we have so many bags. I went to say goodbye to mom and Katie and the dog.

"Bye mom." I said, hugging her. " Bye, Matthew." My mom  replied, shaking. I went to Katie. "Goodbye, Katie." She was in tears. "B-Bye, Matt." She said to me, still in tears.

I got in the van. I turned around and waved bye one last time. And then we set off. The drive took a couple of hours. We finally made it. I couldn't wait to go on the ship and look into space.

When we got out of the van there was a man in a black shirt and blue jeans. He came to us. "Hello, Mr. Holt." He turned to me. "And this must be your son. Matthew, right?" He smiled warmly at me.

I smiled back. "Yep, but call me Matt." I told him. "Alright, Matt." He said. "Matt, this is Takashi Shirogane. He will be accompaning us on the mission." My dad said. "Call me Shiro, please." Shiro said.

"Matt, I've gotta go sign the papers for us to go on the mission." My dad told me. I nodded at him. Shiro turned to me. "How old are you?" He asked me. "Well, I'm 17." I said. He looked surprised.

"You're so young to be going out on a mission like this!" He exclaimed. I looked up at him. "I've gotten that a lot lately." I said. He frowned. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you fell bad."

"It's fine the point of being told that is that I'm used to it." I told him, smiling. He smiled back. "If you Don't mind me asking, how come you got to come on the mission?" He asked.

"My brains. I'm the smartest kid in my entire school." I answered easily. His eyes were wide. "That's impressive." He praised. "I overachieve in astr*onomy, I guess that's why I wanted to go on this mission."

He smiled at me. "I'm a good fighter, I wanted to come to protect the people going on this mission." He said. I laughed. Just then my dad came back. "Hey Matt, I got our papers. We're ready to go!" My dad said.

I went to get my luggage. We had a lot. Shiro came over to me. "Need help? I already loaded my luggage." He asked me. I smiled. "Yes, thank you." I replied. He grabbed half of my bags. And helped me carry them into the shuttle.

He set them down in the room that I would be staying in. " There, all done!" He said, happily. I smiled at him. "Once again, thank you." I said. Shiro smiled back. "Your welcome Matt." He said.

"Boys! Come help me plan out the coordinates!" Dad yelled.

How do you like the rewriten version? There will be more detail and information in this one. I will keep on writing this even if you Don't want me to.

Go check out a new song I like. It's called, The Palidans. It's really good. I'm not ordering you to do it. I'm suggesting.

Galra PrisonersOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora