«1- Friends and foes»

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«Makoto Naegi»

It's always awkward when your best friend is the school idol.

"Makoto! I'm so glad you could help!" Squeals Sayaka, wrapping her arms around me. A few people in the street stop and stare, raising their eyebrows and taking photos in various levels of subtlety.
"It's nice to see you! What are we doing?" Sayaka leads me into her modern mansion, the walls painted sleek silver with posters of their tours on the walls, Sayaka and her four band mates posing seductively.
"Where are your band mates?" I ask.
Sayaka rolls her eyes. "Only Sumire is in. She's in the kitchen.
We walk into the large kitchen. A girl with bobbed ginger hair scowls at me, holding a half eaten apple.
"Hey, Sumire!" Smiles Sayaka. Sumire only snarls back.
"I'm leaving." She grunts, and lumbers out of the room. We exchange looks.
"Well, let's get started!"

Two hours later, Sayaka and I ice cupcakes in the kitchen with shocking pink and blue icing.
"The cake is getting delivered for Yukiko's party, but I thought I'd make cupcakes." Sayaka's face softens. "She probably won't like them. It's like, nobody likes each other even though we're band mates!" She sobs, turning to me with tears in her eyes. Without the layers of stage makeup, her face looks so young and innocent, like we're kids again.
"Sayaka, I'm sure you're just all stressed because of the tour and the party. You don't want to break up, do you?"
Sayaka clutches herself, sniffling. She nods her head.
"M-maybe. I don't know. You're right, Makoto." She giggles tearfully. "You've always been there for me."
I scratch my neck guiltily. Since elementary, we've grown apart, and even in Hope's peak we barely talk.
"I want to see you more, Sayaka. We need to meet up soon." Sayaka beams at me.
"Yeah, I'll ask my manager." She blushes. "Urgh, that must sound so obnoxious."
"HEY GUYS!!" I swirl around as a girl with two bouncing bunches bumbles in, squealing.
"Junko!!" Sayaka hugs Junko, jumping up and down. It's like they haven't seen each other for months, even though they were talking at school today.
"Oh, hey Makoto." Junko smiles.
"Hi!" Junko and Sayaka start talking rapidly, and I check my watch.
"Oh wow, guys I have to go."
"Really?" Cries Sayaka.
"Yeah, sorry." I hope I'm not late for Komaru.

A light mist has begun to drape the hospital when I hurry in, shivering under an umbrella. I spot Komaru in the hall right away, her green hair and slight frame sticking out between the scrub-clad nurses and wrinkling old people.
She waves frantically at me.
"Makoto! Where have you been!" She hisses.
"Ugh, I got caught up at Sayaka's." Komaru rolls her eyes. "Come on."
We trail through the labyrinth of the silver walls, our footsteps echoing in the halls. In the complete silence, I can tell my so many horror movies are set in hospitals.
"Hey, Komaru." I whisper.
"Are you annoyed at me at making you come along?" Komaru looks confused.
"No! Why would I?"
"Sorry, I'm just nervous.The last time I saw them they tried to kill my boy-"
STUPID! I kick myself for almost letting that slip. I trust Komaru, but I know how ditzy she
Can be. She's let it spread like a forest fire.
"Here we are." She chirps brightly.
"Hey, Toko..."
568 words
Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, check out my oneshots book maybe

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