Her. Run. Confuzing.

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She was amazing. Again it had been a week and not at one point had I not thought about her.

Which is strange because I think about a lot of things a lot of the time due to my ongoing stream of thought.

Oh yeah...there I go again. I try to not think as much about the whole situation and now I figured this could just be my imagination. And this whole thing might not actually be real. But if I touch other people, or brush by there arm I can feel it.

Everyday since she told me, I have admired her. The girl who gave me that information when nobody else dared to that is.

And I feel like I have known her forever. But obviously I haven't.

This place seems cold. Purgatory. Although the only light is grey it is actually warm. It's like underfloor heating. Strange.

The girl. -I didn't catch her name. Because I was in a daze from her beauty. And I wish I did because she hadn't given me second look.

I stared for what seems like hours. Not caring about what people were saying. To me or around me which I should probably have payed more attention to. But still that didn't matter because she was worth it.

What was happening to me? Why did I like her so much?

I decided to snap out of it and go and create conversation with her. Since my confidence has grown I felt like I could do anything. And this is one of those things.

The next thing I did was extremely rare. I never used my name much. It reminded me if my family so I tried in minimise the amount I used.

"Hi, I didn't introduce myself back then, my names Lewi."

"Hi Lewi."

She gasped. Then ran away.

What had I done wrong? This day was getting worse. And my dreams or dazes were not coming true. Maybe they were saving that for heaven.

It was like something had sunk in. All I said was my name.

After this I spent my time worrying. What had I done so wrong? I was now confused. And also scared.

I was still in purgatory. And if I had done something wrong maybe I would go to hell. I was being very careful but still I had done bad.

On the other hand, I would have already gone to hell. Maybe they were deciding whether I should go to hell or heaven.

I fell into an almost blissful sleep. Almost, because I was scared during the night I would disappear.

My brain still thought while I was sleeping but today I felt half awake.

After a few more hours I just slept. In proper sleep. Without thinking. I blanked out -----------


I awoke, still thinking of the same topic as i was the bight before.

I think that girl has problems or something. She is beautiful but ran away from me when I told her my name. Weird.

Anther batch of "presents" arrived today, including some wine and then later on some delicious chicken drumsticks. Unfortunately there were only twenty of them and about fifty or so of us-trapped in purgatory.

A man who had drunk lots of the wine tried to take all of the chicken too for himself so I tried to take it all back off of him so we could all have our fair share.

He was drunk and flung his fist at me. He missed by a centimetre. I didn't want to hit him because I knew I would go to hell so all I could do was dodge him.

Someone shouted out to the man,

"Elliot stop, you'll go to hell"

And he replied,

"I don't care anymore, I just wanna get out of here" with a slur.

He flew one last fist at me and it hit me on the nose. I heard the bones crunch and saw scarlet blood dripping down my t-shirt.

Elliot vanished.

Almost immediately a bottle and a handkerchief appeared in front of me. The girl who had run away from me earlier came forward from the many of them and mopped up my nose and gave me a dose of whatever was in the bottle. The pain vanished completely and I felt my nose.

It was as if nothing had happened at all, my nose was perfectly fine.

The girl spoke.

"That was Healing potion, from the king of heaven. That wine must have been very strong, that poor man got overly drunk, he only had a glass full. The making of the queen of hell"

"Thank you for..." I gestured towards my nose.

"No probs, just one question. What is your surname?" She tensed.

"Sanderson" I almost whispered.

The girls eyes widened then once again she ran off. Why when I answered questions about myself did she have the urge to flee? This was a mystery but I wanted to find out...


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