Chapter 18

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"She suffered from an overdose on benzoylmethyl ecogine, we have her on a drip and we've run a couple of tests already"

Wow Billie, what have you done to yourself.

"We have also found marijuana in her system and some traces of Lysergic acid diethylamine which could've been taken beforehand"

Fucking hell Billie, you really killing your body and shit.

"She is unfortunately still unconscious and not showing any signs of waking up soon, I'm sure she will be okay"


"Fuck billie" I sigh, sitting opposite her for the 27th time these past 3 weeks She looks disheveled, both arms covered in needles, a breathing tube down her throat and she's practically on life support.

Everyday I wonder what goes through her head to do this shit to herself, out of all honesty, if someone else took the exact drugs she took, they'll be dead in the blink of an eye. I dont know what's so special about Billie but she has her ways.

It's bad to say, but I thought she would've been dead by now and I'm so happy she's not but it's getting too far, she needs to go to rehab or something, she hates asking for help, it makes her feel weakz I've learnt that since I've been with her. I know a lot about Billie that nobody could see from her outer shell and badass demeanor.

I've never ever seen her so bad in my life, she looks like shes dead, well she did come extremely close to death but that's besides the point.

Her heart monitor goes off and her body starts jerking in her bed, she wires still connected to her. I have no time to call for the doctors; they already burst in and a nurse leads me out frantically, I didn't even know what to do or say. All I saw was Billie still shaking and her small, frail body convulsing again and again as the doctors take her away; dragging her bed out of her room and dragging her to wherever.

I heard shouting and loud noises from the furthest point in the corridor, where they took her, it just increased my anxiety even more, I didn't want her to die, I really didn't. She means too much to me, even if she was an ass to me and I was an ass to her, like she said, everything I do leads back to her. She's my person. Whether she still loves me or not.


"DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!" I slap her hand away and squirm away, the bed sheets coming off too.

"I'm fine" I exhale, not realising the breath I was holding in. The dry tears stained my cheeks, my body too weak to wife them off.
"Just...don't touch me, I'm good" I reassure, the wires, still in my arm.

"Miss O'Connell?"
"In here" I yell
"You have a visitor"
"What are you doing here y/n" I sigh. Out of all honesty, she should be the last person to see me, from all the shit I've put her through, she should've left me by now, I'm a mess.

"I wanted to see you"

A/n: We love writer's block. Hitting me real hard rn. 15 votes and 8 comments for the next chapter.

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