Chapter 1

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We arrived here two hours later.

Ishan got out of the car and started walking towards the house.

Oh God! I don't know how to open the car door.I will know how I never got in the car.

Ishan walked some distance and looked back.He saw that vaani did not come out of the car.
Seeing this, Ishan came towards the car.

"Do you have the intention of sitting here all day?"

Vaani turned her face to the other side and pointed to the car door with her hand.

"ehm hm"


Vaani gestures with her hand again.



Ishan opened the car door and started walking.Vaani got out of the car and started following Ishan.Vaani is having trouble following Ishan because Ishan is walking so fast.

He told a staff member to take me to his home.I started following the staff member.

How strange is the mind of people. Even in my troubles, I am seeing the decoration of the house.
This house is beautiful like A dream palace and the decoration is Excellent.But something is lacking.

The staff showed me the room then left.
Wow!! What a beautiful Bed,Closet,Wardrobe and Dressing table.

Vaani went to the bed and touched it first then sat down.

"Wow!! so soft"

Vaani got excited and started jumping on the bed.
Suddenly She remembered her current situation.Immediately she stopped jumping and lay down on the bed in a bad mood.
After lying down for a while something came to her mind and she got up immediately.

"Oh God Aaeee What would I do if he tried to do something bad with me tonight.I should stay in the bathroom or If he try to do something bad with me I will hit him on the head with a vase."
"But tomorrow I will have no sign in this world.Whoosh I can't take the tension anymore, I feel hungry whenever I take tension. Thoughts can be done later.I want to change this saree first.My whole body is itching because of this dress."
"Oh God!!! I didn't bring any of my dresses.What do I do."

Vaani's eyes fell on the closet in front of her. without thinking, She hurried to the closet and opened it.She saw all the dresses in the closet, Ishan's dress.
She clutched the closet hard then  sat down on bed and started biting nails quickly.Repeatedly, looking at the closet with the corner of her eyes.

"Let's wear his dress for today.I will make some arrangements tomorrow. Look God, I'll wear his clothes for today just for one day.That's not mean I'm accepting this gangster as my husband."

A staff was passing in front of her room and vaani immediately ran to the staff.

"Excuse me."

"Yes Didimoni(ma'am) you need something?"

"Will he come to the room at night?"

"Who didimoni?"

"Ishan Jeden"

"Oh babumoshai(Sir) No didimoni
Babumoshai stays at the basement in the night."

How strange! to have such beautiful room, Who sleep in basement.Anyway, much better for me.Yeppe.

"Shall I go didimoni?"

"Ah sure sure!"

I can sleep peacefully now.

Vaani quietly took Ishan's white shirt and black trouser and hurried to the bathroom and slammed the door.
Vaani stood front of the mirror wearing Ishan's clothes.
The trouser is soo loose that it peels off repeatedly. Vaani held the trouser by her hand then lay down on bed because She realized she couldn't walk by wearing it.She took a blanket even in the heat because she don't want anyone(Ishan) to see her in Ishan's cloth.
Tears came to her eyes after thinking about many things.She didn't understand how she would spend the rest of her life with this man.She fell asleep crying .

At exactly 3 o'clock Vaani woke up because of some noise.

"What's the matter? Who is playing loud music at this time. sound of humming can be heard also."
"Oh god This house is so big I think.... There are ghosts here! Oh god please save me."

Vaani was scared.Vaani covered herself with a blanket then tried to sleep.
Vaani fell asleep.

It's Morning.

Vaani is very bad at sleeping and if she takes a blanket, the blanket doesn't stay on her.

Ishan entered the room to get dressed.

There was no blanket on Vaani's body and Ishan's trouser fell from Vaani's waist and went below her knees.
Ishan's eyes fell on Vaani and he couldn't understand why Vaani is wearing his dress.
Suddenly Vaani woke up and saw Ishan is looking at her. She rolled her eyes at Ishan.
Vaani saw that her clothes were not on her properly. She immediately covered her body with that blanket Then she looked at Ishan with angry eyes.

Ishan became Confucius.His intention was not bad but Vaani's eyes are saying that his intention is bad.

Ishan got angry because no one has ever seen him like this.

"Listen girl! That's not like you think."

Ishan hurried away with his dress, Maybe a little embarrassed.

"Strange! He is angry at me I was supposed to be angry at him.He had bad intentions towards me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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