chapter 1. Escape From Hell

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ES-18 POV-

I wake up in the dark, my bruised, punctured, scarred skin comforted by the cold metal of the chains.

The cell was dark, but was surprisingly silent, and sterile.

Well, I thought, it's still better in here than in the experimentation lab...

The lab...

It is where we were created, where we were experimented on, and where we experience hell every day.


don't tell me...

is it my turn today?...

right on cue, I hear the vents opening, and the sound of gas being pumped in.

Suddenly I find myself getting suffocated by the gas. It burns my throat. I choke, coughing. My vision gets blurry, as tears start flowing, my lungs screaming at me to stop breathing.

And then everything was black.


A man in a lab coat strolls down a corridor with two others in hazmat suits. The ones in hazmat are carrying a bed-like contraption,clearly designed to hold someone down tightly.(it's the same thing they use on koro sensei aka reaper while experimenting on him) The corridor is lined with doors, leading to different cells. He stops in front of one, taking a look at the cell number.

"ES-18. It's your turn today," the man mutters, before sliding a key card in a slot, and then tapping the passcode on the display beside the slot. Immediately, a gas is released into the cell, and then choking noises are heard.

After ES-18 falls unconscious, a second set of vents open and suck out all the gas, before the doors slide open, and the two people in hazmat suits grab ES-18, put him on the experimentation table, and wheel him away, trailing behind the third man.

.  .  .  ///  .  .  .

ES-18 POV-

*cough* *cough*..... I hate that gas.

i can't see anything. seems like I'm blindfolded

I try to move, but find myself restrained.

so i'm in the lab.

this is not good.

... today we are going to test the latest augment on Echo Series Eighteen, Codename VANTH .................... pre-existing augments are ........................ strength enhancer ............reflex and cognition enhancement ...... secondary................................................

...Cut sedative flow. lets wake it up, shall we?

no, please no. leave me alone... please...I thought as I was brought to full awareness. I screamed inside at the pain. I opened my eyes, to find harsh lights and multiple sharp instruments pointed at me.

"hello, guinea pig. ready for a new enhancement?" I heard a voice.


somebody please save me....


"Alright. Introduce drug into bloodstream... 80 cc..."

Suddenly, a person comes up to Him.

"What is it?" kotaro said slowly, barely keeping in the anger.

he whispers something, and kotaro swears, putting the tools aside and leaving immediately, telling the others in the room to return ES-18 to its cell and meet in the control room.

In the control room


"WHAT!? The moon?!! "

"Yes sir, 70% destroyed... A lab rat on the lunar surface experienced a discharge of antimatter energy!" I said.

 "So cell division exceeded natural limits, eh?" he said, fear evident in his voice. "calculate the same day this phenomenon would occur in a human!"

"yes sir!"

I immediately run an algorithm on the supercomputer, and get a date.

" Got it. March the 13th of next year." I say.

" That's the day he and the entire world will be destroyed..."

"What will we do, sir?"

"Isn't it obvious?... We put him down... Should be a cinch if we can just stop his heart"

"Notify our U.S. HQ at once!"

"Yes sir!"

very small timeskip brought to you by chibi Izuku chasing after a scared All For One

In the corridor outside the entrance to reaper's room.

A barricade armed with ammunition designed specifically for antimatter organisms stands twenty feet away from the door.

"Don't push your luck, guinea pig. And don't think we were always only about the experiments..."

meanwhile, in cell ES-18...


what was that? they never sent me back in the middle like that before....

something is seriously wrong....

well, now that I'm back in the cell, I guess-



the ceiling starts crumbling, and I use my strength to punch through it before I pass out.

hey guys! author notes time!

I didn't thoroughly edit this chapter, so please tell me if you see any mistakes or loopholes.

I'm still learning to write so please brace for more crappy writing!!!

remember to sleep(I mean, if u wanna), have your food, AND STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM THE HOOMANS!!!!
signing off-

Author San,

God of Torture, and Interrogator of The YRPS

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