important information

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before we go further, we need to establish important details.

1) Class 1-a(here known as echo series aka ES) are government experiments.

(Don't ask the purpose. Not even god knows what goes on in those twisted minds.)

2) their original seat numbers are now their experiment numbers. So Midoriya, who is seat number 18, is ES-18. 

3) The nine titan shifters are the only recorded successful attempt at making very powerful soldiers with regenerative abilities, among other abilities as well. However, the immense power they hold takes a toll on their bodies, causing them to age faster. And so, they are left with only 13 years before their bodies deteriorate and they die. They are now known as the Shifters .

4)the shifters in a way, like an all-purpose black ops squad

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4)the shifters in a way, like an all-purpose black ops squad. They are given targets, either to assassinate, protect, interrogate, spy on, or retrieve, and they do it efficiently, and in complete silence and anonymity.

5) I've made changes to the characters, and added OCs. If you want an oc of yours to be included in the story, send me the specifications such as name, hair color, eye color, age, specialties or abilities(optional), clothing, personality, and any other ideas you have

6) there will be no ships(yet), because just for once I would like for there to be a good story on wattpad that doesn't have any ships.(seriously, every single one of them is shindeku, bakudeku and/or tododeku or a combination. I want some variety, or no ships.)

now that that's out of the way, character essential information sheet, coming up!

the numbers and codenames of echo series are as follows:

aoyama: ES-1, POLARIS

mina:ES-2, ACID

asui:ES-3, ANURA

iida:ES-4, SPRINT

uraraka:ES-5, GRAVITY

ojiro:ES-6, GI

kaminari:ES-7, PIKACHU

kirishima:ES-8, RIOT

koda:ES-9, WHISPER

sato:ES-10, BULK

shoji:ES-11, CHIMERA

jiro:ES-12, AUDIO

sero:ES-13, ELBOW

tokoyami:ES-14, EREBUS

todoroki:ES-15, SUCCESSOR

[A/N: shoto's siblings were created to harness fire and ice. first batch were touya(DIABLO) and fuyumi (POLAR)and second batch were natsuo(CHILL) and __________(HEL)(oc, to be decided)

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