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Kassidy pulls into a warehouse after following the GPS. Brian pulls in before some of Campos' guys start going around with a detector to see if anyone has any trackers in their cars. After the cars are deemed clear, they are loaded into the back of a semi-truck.

"This ain't right, bro. Nobody said nothing about being locked in no truck," Tash, one of the other drivers, says as he and the other driver climb out of their cars.

"Hey. Hey! Where do you think they're taking us?" Matt, the other driver, asks Kassidy.

"Don't matter," Kassidy answers him. "We're all just along for the ride now." It is night when they are unloaded by another warehouse in what appears to be near the desert.

"Welcome to Mexico, boys and lady," Gisele says as she walks over to them. Cases are then loaded into their trunks by Campos' men. "There are helicopters and surveillance cameras that scan for heat signatures at the border. But there are blind spots that I can guide you through via satellite. There can be no margin of error, so you must follow my every direction. Any questions?"

"I thought Fenix was gonna be here," Dom states as he looks at her.

"He'll meet you out there," Gisele tells him before typing on her GPS. "All right, everybody, sync up. Good luck, gentlemen and lady."

"Satellite linkup engaged. Keep proceeding northbound at current speed," Gisele orders over the radio.

Kassidy and Tash are in the front before they are passed by Fenix. Tash gets behind Fenix as they line up in a straight line.

"Stay close to Fenix. He'll lead you across." "Hurry it up. You guys have been tagged." They all speed up before Kassidy pulls out of line. "Pearce, get back in formation." Kassidy quickly gets in front of Tash before they follow Fenix into a hidden tunnel, that is at the base of the cliff. "They're sending a helicopter. You have 30 seconds." "The windows closing fast. You need to get out of there before they send ground support. Fifteen seconds. You're running out of time. You need to get out now!" They make it out of the tunnel without being caught. Fenix then guides them to where several men and SUV's are waiting. The men start taking the cases out of their trunks.

"Sloppy. Very sloppy!" Fenix complains as he gets out of his car. Dom starts letting his NOS leak before he clicks his cigarette lighter in. They are ordered out of their cars.

"Hey, Boss man," Kassidy says as Fenix points his gun at Tash.

"What did you say?" Fenix asks her as he lowers his gun.

"She said only pussies run nitrometh," Dom answers him.

"You looked under my hood?" Fenix asks as he walks over to Dom. "I'm talking to you. Got something on your mind?"

"'70 Plymouth. Her name was Letty," Kassidy states as she glares at Fenix. "And somebody wrecked her car."

"I wrecked her car," Fenix tells her. "You remember her face? Huh? Cause I don't. Last time I saw it, it was burning." Fenix cocks his gun causing Kassidy to smirk. "Now what?"

"I'm going to enjoy what happens next," Dom tells him before his cigarette lighter pops out, igniting with the NOS, causing his car along with everyone else's to explode. Dom quickly covers Kassidy from the explosion. Dom then hits Fenix's gun away, while Brian takes down the two guys closest to him. Brian grabs a gun before firing at the other guys. Kassidy runs over to the car that they loaded the cases in before Brian meets her there.

"Dom! Get in! Come on!" Brian yells as he pulls up beside Dom, who is punching a guy. "Come on! Get in the fucking car! Let's go! Hurry up!" Once Dom is in, Brian takes off.

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