Introduction- Trickery

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3 friends commit various crimes together and escape the police


 3 friends give up on their live and fuck shit up.

The brunette was running, the two girls not far behind her. She halted to a stop as a poster fell into a puddle by her foot. She looked at the, now drenched, poster. "Fuck." It was a poster of her, one of her mug shots  from when she actually got caught. Her brunette hair was messy, not being brushed in a while. Her light green eyes were dull and her make up was smeared, and she was in a dirty jail outfit. Not the most attractive look. "Couldn't they have used a better photo?!" she growled, stepping on it. She was slapped on the arm by the blonde, who grabbed her hand and dragged her along, "we're still running you know?!" She grunted as she ran along with her. The red haired girl was already miles ahead, trying to get to the car, as the police sirens seemed to be catching up. The three ducked into an alleyway, as the police cars passed by, not noticing them.

After catching their breaths, they broke into a fit of giggles. The blonde abruptly stopped, and smirked, raising a bloody hand up to her face leaving blood smears on her cheeks. A blissful look flashed upon her face. "Did you see her face?! She looked absolutely terrified when she saw your knife Kase! She really thought I would get something out the back for her." she giggled slightly, licking the blood off her hands, "Her face was so pretty when she was in pain.." The blonde sighed, admiring the strand of hair she managed to pluck off the victims head. Kasey grunted, cleaning off the maroon blood that was left on her knife. "Well done you two. Another one down, and we ,yet again, escaped the police!" The red haired girl coughed, signalling her sign of approval. Kasey nodded, "And thank you, Lisa for tracking down the victim, and the change of outfit." She smiled at her praise, as Elaine huffed. "Those outfits were ugly..couldn't you do a better job?" Elaine giggled at her comment. The brunette glared at her, "Shut it, Elaine. Your lucky your good at luring people to us. Otherwise you wouldn't be here." The blonde took that as a comment of her gratitude, and flipped her hair, bowing. 

The red hair disposed of the trash bag, filled with the remains of the dead body. It was slightly ripped, blood dripping in a puddle. "Can we go home now? I don't intend to stay here all day." Lisa commented, walking off without waiting for an answer. Elaine skipped after her, getting in the car. The brunette took caution before stepping in the car, examining the area to make sure no one was there. "Kase?" Elaine called out. The wind whistled in her ear, startling her. "...Coming!"


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2020 ⏰

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