izuku Midoriya becomes FURY

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( Izuku Midoriya has had enough of his horrible life all the bullying, prejudice of being qurikless, and how when ever his mother try's to comfort him he just feels pity he's just sick of all it and wishes for it to end so he's going to end by jumping off a roof )


Izuku Midoriya: ( great I can't even die right whyy does ever I say sound so loud? )

Symbiote: Because I'm trying to save you

Izuku: ( what are you!? )

Symbiote: well it depends

Izuku: ( what do you mean. It depends? )

Symbiote: well I'm not human and I wish to bond with you

Izuku: bond with me?

Symbiote: yes bond so you won't die here and you can become the best hero in history!

Izuku: yes please bond with me!

Symbiote: okay then done

Izuku: that fast?

Symbiote: I had done some of process without you knowing so yes that quick

Izuku: * he then gets up and lays his back on a wall * so what should I call you?

Symbiote: hmm my previous host never gave me a name so whatever you can come up with

Izuku: what about fury?


Izuku: our?

Fury: yes before you were just izuku Midoriya now we are fury!

Izuku: yeah but this world is going to call me izuku Midoriya so what should we do about that?

Fury: hmm I'm not sure

Izuku: wait did you say previous host!?

Fury: yes

Izuku: who was it?

Fury: he goes by the pro hero name instinct

Izuku: you mean the hero who has climbed the ranks to be the number 5 hero!?

Fury: yes and he only did it because of me and since we were bonded that means we can use his powers

Izuku: so wait I finally have a qurik?

Fury: we have a qurik!

Izuku: sorry but it's just shocking that all those years alone and all the torment that now when I decided to kill myself that I no we have a qurik!

Fury: good to hear for now how about we get you some new pair of clothes

Izuku: should we go back to my apartment?

Fury: no I can see through your memories and I don't like the clothes you have

Izuku: wait you did what!?

Fury: since we are one we can see what each other sees, experience, and memories

Izuku: WOAH that's going to take a while to get used to

Fury: well you can talk to me if you ever talk in your head and don't worry about your muttering I got rid of it

Izuku: you can do that!?

Fury: I can kill the most deadliest of diseases and make you forget things so yes I can

Izuku: well moving back on target we need some new clothes like you said earlier

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