Another Day

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another day,
im at the first house
running along the driveway
the recycling cans, beer bottles,
rotting in the sun in blackout trash bags
everythings made of wood again
the plastic looking fence on the otherside of us
theres a bounce house in the yard
and the whiteout boat aside the bright dark shed
i run, laugh, and hide away from whatever is after me
the no faces try to seek me
i dont let them get to me im quicker and know every little place i can squeeze through

this beginning of my life's unclear memories jaggedly absorb me

my sister ghosts appear and vanish like smoke
my mothers face blury and she disappears instantly
my fathers face is the most clear for some reason
there tent seems higher above me
the wooden wall along the inside full of all his old tools
dusty and dirty i dont dare touch them
im able to walk through the car(s) in the middle
the gravel is muted
a grill on the other side on the pavement now
lined with tables and metal chairs
a picnic table at the far end
a worn out comfy black rubber looking chair near side

im floating
everythings growing but im the tallest
its just me now
taller than everything
im with the clouds and the ground is
so far underneath me
the skys red like its on fire
the clouds all grey around me
the worlds in black and white from up here
orange bleeds through little light
orbiting in my head no body
a soul in a snowglobe
pull me away from here
distorted places i seem stuck

and i wake up again

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