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After the defeat of Calamity Ganon, Hylians, Zora, Gorons, and Gerudo alike celebrated. The Gerudo had already successfully infiltrated the Yiga Clan hideout once to gain information, but they had yet to obtain the necessary endurance to withstand their blades and tricks. It would be a while before they were triumphant in completely obliterating the traces, which was a very bad sign. As it were, Master Kohga was still very much deceased, proving to be quite troublesome for the rebels. But unfortunately, because of the desire for vengeance, a terrible tragedy befell the Zoras, as they were close with the Queen in terms of their willingness to cooperate and lend a hand no matter what. Yes, because of this dedication to the Royal Family that Sidon and his father both felt, Zora's Domain was in ruin, being slowly but surely rebuilt under the Prince's command.
Although Zelda could not come immediately after hearing the news, she came as soon as possible, a few days after the attack, with Link, her two knights in training, and the traveling Rito merchant, Fyson, who was tasked with gathering and bringing back supplies to assist the Zoras.
Upon arriving at the long bridge, which was now destroyed at the middle, Zelda noticed the temporary wooden planks nailed together to form a makeshift bridge. Clearly it could only hold two people at a time, as it was quite flimsy, so Zelda crossed with Link, and then the two knights followed once they were across.
As they approached the plaza, the guards at the entrance bowed and greeted the crew, directing them toward the throne room, where Sidon overlooked the plaza with a sullen expression. Normally he was so encouraging and extravagant, but once they reached the second floor, they could see very clearly his pained expression as he held the head of the Mipha statue. Even when they came close to him, he couldn't be bothered to look away from the emptiness of the plaza. That's why Zelda placed a supportive hand upon his fin, smiling to try and cheer him up.

"She's still here with us, no matter what. She's watching over you and your people. You must never forget that." The Queen made a simple attempt in consoling him, and was unsuccessful. She knew this was the case when he furrowed his brow bone. He looked rather intimidating like this, and yet Link gave a determined stare to Zelda before walking in front of Sidon. Despite their height difference and disconnection, Link brought his small hands to the Zora Prince's large ones, caressing his knuckles as the statue part remained between them.

To the Queen's surprise, Sidon was quick to snap out of his depressive trance and make eye contact with Link. The expression he made was so vulnerable and affectionate, and he blushed ever so slightly upon realizing how weak he had shown himself to others. "I... I must apologize. I'm not in my right mind. Things have been rather stressful here, and I don't find it respectful to worry my father about my feelings." He took a deep breath and placed the statue head gently on the ground, then rising and looking over to Zelda, who awkwardly laughed since she felt like a total third wheel. "Pardon me... I hate to act this way in front of others. I want to thank you for being so loyal to our kind during these troubling times. It is reassuring to be your ally." The Zora finally spoke to the girl, finally wiping the frown off of his face.

"Of course, Sidon. If there's anything you need at all, please do not hesitate to confide in us. Which reminds me, there is something...that I would like to discuss with you." She suddenly pulled a blue champion's garb out of her bag, holding in her hands as she looked up at the man. "I heard from a few sources that you protected your people vigilantly. After considering your many feats over the years, I thought it would be appropriate to make of us." She watched him react with wide eyes and an agape mouth, but nonetheless despite his shock, he took the garb into his hands and examined it quietly. Zelda waited politely with her hands folded together, grinning at Link, who was looking up at Sidon with expectant eyes.

"I thank you from the bottom of my heart, Miss Zelda, however... I don't feel worthy of this title. I'm just a normal Zora, with no interesting power of sorts. It would be a waste to-" Sidon was serious, and felt as if he had his mind set, but before he could finish his sentence, Zelda cleared her throat to interrupt him.

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