Interviews and love

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Hey guys, so I just want you to know that I ask of you to read my other books, please. Ok now, enjoy this chapter.....


With Damiano dur

Rydel: what's your name sir?

Damiano: Damiano Marano

Rydel: Ok, just go up to the 6th floor and walk down the hall and its the last door to your right

Damiano: thank you (walks to the elevator, pushes the 6th floor button. Then gets out and walks down the hall and goes to Ross's door, knocks)

Ross: come in!

Damiano: hello

Ross: you must be Damiano

Damiano: yeah that's me

Ross: alright so take a sit

Damiano: Ok (sits in front of his desk)

Ross: so tell me, why would you like to work here at 'Lynch Records'?

Damiano: I would like to work here because my family is having soome money issues

Ross: ohh I see, have you had any other job experience's?

Damiano: yes

Ross: as what?

Damiano: a store manager and waiter

Ross: you had your own business?

Damiano: yeah but it shut down due to the money issues

Ross: alright

Damiano: can I ask you a question?

Ross: of course

Damiano: how old are you?

Ross: 18

Damiano: your the owner of this building and you are 18?

Ross: yeah but I am turning 19 in two months

Damiano: Ok

Ross: alright Damiano, I'll see you at 3:00 tomorrow

Damiano: I got the job?

Ross: of course

Damiano: thank you

Ross: your welcome

Damiano: hey by any chance, would you like to come over for dinner tonight?

Ross: oh i don't know, I also have my family to get to and....

Damiano: well they can come too

Ross: well, alright

Damiano: well do you need my address?

Ross: well its actually on your application (looks at his application)

Damiano: oh right forgot, well I'll see you later (gets up)

Ross: (gets up as well) will do (puts his hand out)

Damiano: (shakes his hand) alright bye (walks out)

At the Marano residents

Damiano: (walks in) I'm home!

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